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Xu Yu Jie, 24 可以吗?



Pretty Taiwanese Policewoman, 24, Films Anti-Scam Video; Netizens Say They Would Willingly Fall Victim To Her​

Not the point of the video, but okay...
Jiamun Koh

Pretty Taiwanese Policewoman, 24, Films Anti-Scam Video; Netizens Say They Would Willingly Fall Victim To Her

If crime rates start increasing, maybe a part of the blame has to go to good looking law enforcement officers who have thirsty netizens wanting to be arrested by them.

We're kidding, of course. But people really do have thing for gorgeous cops, don't they? Case in point: Singapore Police Force's hunky policeman.

It looks like Taiwan has found their equivalent too.

Recently, it was reported that the Taichung City Police Bureau collaborated with policewoman, Xu Yu Jie, 24, from Taipei, to shoot a video about preventing love scams.
In the video, Yu Jie warned netizens who use online dating apps platforms to avoid any monetary transactions with strangers.

But netizens completely ignored the original message of the video, and were instead, captivated by how beautiful the lady cop is.
Turns out, Yu Jie, who already has 43.7K followers on Instagram, is known for her beauty and great vocals.

She has also participated in many singing shows in Taiwan, and has been called the "G.E.M of the police force".

Fans were even so enamoured by her looks that they left comments saying they would willingly fall victim to the scams if the scammer was Yu Jie.

Bet the police bureau didn't see their plan backfiring.
Imagine the number of people simping over this video of Yu Jie
Here's a reminder to everyone to please not commit crimes just so you can be "handcuffed" by good looking officers, thanks

Photos: Xu Yu Jie/Instagram, hk01