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Xijinping Ultra Bio-Tech world's 1st DNA EDITED Human - new super.human species to CONQUER & ENSLAVE Chow Ang Moh soon!


新人类 - Made In China. China is more divine than Chow Ang Moh's god! New super.human species is creating in China. Soon many new models with super.brain super eyesight super.hearing super.strength super.limbs super.self-healing super.endurance super.warrior super.engineer super.pilot super.astronauts super.CCP-LEADER super.CONQUEROR all ONLY FROM CHINA.


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Designer baby steps: World’s first ‘gene-edited’ children born in China
Published time: 26 Nov, 2018 09:27
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FILE PHOTO. CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing process at the Max-Delbrueck-Centre for Molecular Medicine. ©Gregor Fischer/dpa via Global Look Press
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Twin girls have been born in China after their genes were edited to resist the HIV virus, a first for humankind, a Chinese geneticist claims.
Gene-editing tool advancement during this decade has transformed tailoring human genes from the stuff of science fiction into a practical possibility. In 2015, Chinese researchers reported the first successful editing of a human embryo. While cautiously minded people advocated against experimenting in this area until the technology is more mature and humanity settles ethical issues with designer babies, a Chinese scientist may have already overseen research that has produced twin girls with edited genomes.

He Jiankui of Shenzhen says the babies are meant to be resistant to the HIV virus after he switched off a certain gene. The work was reported in Chinese medical documents published online. He confirmed that he had conducted such research to the Associated Press ahead of an international genetics conference held in Hong Kong this week. He said his pioneering efforts are meant to blaze a trail for other researchers.
Read more
No 'designer babies': Groups warn of potential dangers in human embryo modification
“I feel a strong responsibility that it’s not just to make a first, but also make it an example. Society will decide what to do next,” He told AP reporters. The scientist claims that while those involved in the research are not ethicists, they are “authorities on what is correct and what is wrong” in this case, “because it’s their life on the line.”
The tool called CRISPR-cas9 allows the relatively simple and cheap editing of genes. The method has been used to treat certain diseases in humans, but the editing didn’t affect what they could pass on to their children. Altering an embryo has a significant difference: the altered DNA can be inherited.
He says that he chose the HIV virus because it has become a serious problem in China, with between 500,000 and 1.5 million people infected. If the condition becomes publicly known, a person faces social stigma. The project offered couples infected with HIV a chance to have a child that would be resistant to their parents’ illness, an opportunity that some were eager to seize. The participants were also offered free fertility treatments. The parents of the twin girls have declined to be interviewed or even identified.
A number of scientists have reviewed the results provided to AP, but say that it is still too early to say whether or not the procedure was actually successful. The work is yet to be published in a peer-reviewed publication. Some scientists told the agency that the treatment itself has questionable value for patients, considering that effective treatment for HIV has been developed and that the editing he did may have made the babies more susceptible to other diseases like flu.

AP also said that the consent forms for patients described the treatment as an HIV “vaccine” development program, indicating that the participants may have been misled. Bioengineering Professor Michael Deem, who was the scientist’s adviser when he studied in the US and who worked with him on the project, said he believes the participants were fully aware of the risks involved and that the consent forms were explaining the nature of the treatment in “layman’s terms.”
He runs a lab at the Southern University of Science and Technology of China in Shenzhen and owns two genetics companies in the country. Previously, he experimented on mice, monkeys and human embryos. He has already applied for patents for his methods, although no commercial applications were mentioned so far.
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中国制造世界第一个"人工编制设计基因"的新人类! 创造新物种啦! 取代洋人的上帝啦! 天下无敌啦 ! https://www.sammyboy.com/threads/xi...-to-conquer-enslave-chow-ang-moh-soon.261760/ 要三头六臂?千里眼?顺风耳? 力大无穷? 巨无霸体型超人? 超级脑子? 100倍智商? 超耐力? 超免疫力? 抗寒? 耐热? 抗毒? 核战辐射下能生存? 速度特快? 什么超人蜘蛛侠?忍者?天龙八部的无敌武功? 都可以制造设计出来! 上帝也敌不过中国

16 minutes ago
Made in China, the world's first "human-engineered design gene" new human! Create new species! Replace the god of foreigners! The world is invincible! https://www.sammyboy.com/threads/xi...-to- Conquer-enslave-chow-ang-moh-soon.261760/ Want three heads and six arms? Clairvoyance? Windy ears? Powerful? Big Mac body Superman? Super brain? 100 times IQ? Super endurance? Hyperimmune? Cold resistance? ? Anti-virus? Can survive under nuclear radiation? Speed express? What Superman Spider-Man? Ninja? Tianlong Babu's invincible martial arts? Can be made and designed! God also rivals China
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Alfrescian (Inf)
it’s “hiv-resistant” in order to flood the planet with prostitutes who can last 69 fucks per day with anyone.


SARS was a DNA engineered Virus by Obama Bin Laden to attack Chinese DNA ONLY (original from USA the Strand A virus). And in very quick respond generated a modified Strand B SARS to counter attack Chow Ang Moh and released into USA. WITHIN ONLY WEEKS.

It forced Obama Bin Laden to stop his Bio-Warfare Adventure instantly. And all of a sudden the entire epidemic vanished and never returned. Any natural virus in ecological world will not act like this. Showing us clearly that it was a game of BIO WARFARE.

When Chinese can re-engineer DNA, they can have BIO-WARRIORS that can not be harmed by virus designed and produced to harm human. They can fight in Bio-War-Field they can release virus agent and poisons toxic to human but no harm to themselves.

Bravo China!


凡是"西游记" "封神榜" "搜神记" "镜花缘" "聊斋" 里面全部的怪物牛蛇鬼神, 全部都可以基因编制出来的. 牛魔王,孙悟空,猪八戒, 3眼的二郎神? 全部可以!

Everything "Journey to the West" "Feng Shen Bang" "Sou Shen Ji" "Mirror Flower Edge" "Liao Zhai" All the monsters, snakes, ghosts, ghosts, all can be genetically compiled. Niu Devil, Sun Wukong, Pig Bajie, 3 eyes of Erlang God? can!
