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Xijinping Laser Weapon is Global #1 @ 5 Peta Watts, Video



peta P 1000^5 10^15 1000000000000000 quadrillion


China is building a laser 10 trillion times more intense than sunlight that could tear space apart
CHINESE researchers are working to develop a laser said to be 10,000 times the power of all the world’s electrical grids combined.

Sean Keach
The SunJanuary 29, 20188:32am

CERN's Large Hadron Collider Back in Action

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CHINA is building a mega-laser that’s so powerful it could literally tear space apart.

Physicists in Shanghai are constructing what they call a “Station of Extreme Light”, which could be operational as soon as 2023.

The end goal is to create a laser so powerful it can produce 100 petawatt laser pulses — that’s 100 million billion watts.

For context, that’s 10,000 times the power of all the world’s electrical grids combined.

These ludicrously powerful pulses could be targeted at incredibly precise spots measuring just three micrometres across — that’s 2000 times less than the thickness of a standard pencil.

This means the researchers could achieve a laser intensity 10 trillion times greater than the sunlight striking Earth.

According to Science journal, this laser would be so powerful it “could rip apart empty space”.


The new laser will be known as the station of extreme light.Source:Supplied

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The idea is to achieve a phenomenon known as “breaking the vacuum”, whereby electrons are torn away from positrons (their antimatter counterparts) in the empty vacuum of space.

Right now, it’s possible to convert matter into huge amounts of heat and light, as proved by nuclear weapons. But reversing the process is more difficult — although Chinese physicist Ruxin Li believes his laser could manage it. “That would be very exciting. It would mean you could generate something from nothing,” he said.

The team has already created a less powerful version called the Shanghai Superintense Ultrafast Laser, which is capable of a 5.3 petawatt pulse.

If the new laser eventually becomes operational, it could give scientists a new way to accelerate particles for advanced physics research.

This article originally appeared on The Sun and is republished here with permission.


Superpowered Chinese Lasers Could Soon Rip Open Raw Vacuum
By Rafi Letzter, Staff Writer | January 29, 2018 05:06pm ET
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Credit: Michal Steflovic | Shutterstock.com
Physicists are getting close to building lasers powerful enough to rip matter out of a vacuum.

According to a report published Jan. 24 in the journal Science, a team of Chinese scientists is getting ready to start construction this year on a 100-petawatt laser in Shanghai known as the Station of Extreme Light, or SEL. That puts them at the front of a wide field of scientists around the world who are working to realize a prediction published in the journal Physical Review Letters in 2010 by a team of American and French physicists that a sufficiently powerful laser could cause electrons to appear out of a vacuum.

It might seem weird to imagine that electrons could appear out of empty space. But it makes a lot more sense in light of a strange claim of quantum electrodynamics: "Empty" space isn't empty at all, but rather is made up of densely packed pairs of matter and antimatter. Those pairs tightly fill up the gaps between everything, quantum electrodynamics states — they just don't interact in any noticeable way with the rest of the universe, because they cancel one another out. [The 18 Biggest Unsolved Mysteries in Physics]

So it's easier to consider that the Chinese laser won't so much create matter, as cause it to enter the world humans can perceive. Its powerful pulses of energy will cause electrons to separate from their antimatter twins, positrons, in ways researchers can detect.

Building a laser powerful enough to do this, though, is a difficult (and expensive) technical challenge. One hundred petawatts, as Science reported, is about 10,000 times more energy than there is in all the world's electrical grids combined.

A smaller Chinese laser, the Shanghai Superintense Ultrafast Laser Facility, could achieve 10 petawatts by the end of this year. (That's 1,000 times the power of all the world's grids.) So how can lasers reach these enormous power levels?

As the authors of the report in the journal Science explained, power is a function of two things: energy and time. Release a joule of energy over the course of 1 second, and that's 1 watt. Release a joule over the course of 1 hour, and that's just 0.28 milliwatts (28 hundred-thousandths of a watt). But release that joule in just 1-millionth of a second, and that's 1 million watts, or 1 megawatt.

All superpowered lasers rely in some way or another on releasing large amounts of energy over short periods of time, amplifying it and bending the beams such that all of that energy arrives at its target over the course of an even shorter period of time, the Science article reported.

By 2023, the SEL could strike targets just 3 micrometers (3-millionths of a meter, or the width of an E. coli bacterium) across with 100 petawatts of power, according to the report in Science.

For more technical details on how that laser would work, how other laser projects around the world compare and why the U.S. lags so far behind, check out Science's full report.

Originally published on Live Science.

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A laser in Shanghai, China, has set power records yet fits on tabletops.

Physicists are planning to build lasers so powerful they could rip apart empty space
By Edwin CartlidgeJan. 24, 2018 , 9:00 AM

Inside a cramped laboratory in Shanghai, China, physicist Ruxin Li and colleagues are breaking records with the most powerful pulses of light the world has ever seen. At the heart of their laser, called the Shanghai Superintense Ultrafast Laser Facility (SULF), is a single cylinder of titanium-doped sapphire about the width of a Frisbee. After kindling light in the crystal and shunting it through a system of lenses and mirrors, the SULF distills it into pulses of mind-boggling power. In 2016, it achieved an unprecedented 5.3 million billion watts, or petawatts (PW). The lights in Shanghai do not dim each time the laser fires, however. Although the pulses are extraordinarily powerful, they are also infinitesimally brief, lasting less than a trillionth of a second. The researchers are now upgrading their laser and hope to beat their own record by the end of this year with a 10-PW shot, which would pack more than 1000 times the power of all the world's electrical grids combined.

The group's ambitions don't end there. This year, Li and colleagues intend to start building a 100-PW laser known as the Station of Extreme Light (SEL). By 2023, it could be flinging pulses into a chamber 20 meters underground, subjecting targets to extremes of temperature and pressure not normally found on Earth, a boon to astrophysicists and materials scientists alike. The laser could also power demonstrations of a new way to accelerate particles for use in medicine and high-energy physics. But most alluring, Li says, would be showing that light could tear electrons and their antimatter counterparts, positrons, from empty space—a phenomenon known as "breaking the vacuum." It would be a striking illustration that matter and energy are interchangeable, as Albert Einstein's famous E=mc2 equation states. Although nuclear weapons attest to the conversion of matter into immense amounts of heat and light, doing the reverse is not so easy. But Li says the SEL is up to the task. "That would be very exciting," he says. "It would mean you could generate something from nothing."

The Chinese group is "definitely leading the way" to 100 PW, says Philip Bucksbaum, an atomic physicist at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California. But there is plenty of competition. In the next few years, 10-PW devices should switch on in Romania and the Czech Republic as part of Europe's Extreme Light Infrastructure, although the project recently put off its goal of building a 100-PW-scale device. Physicists in Russia have drawn up a design for a 180-PW laser known as the Exawatt Center for Extreme Light Studies (XCELS), while Japanese researchers have put forward proposals for a 30-PW device.

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Largely missing from the fray are U.S. scientists, who have fallen behind in the race to high powers, according to a study published last month by a National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine group that was chaired by Bucksbaum. The study calls on the Department of Energy to plan for at least one high-power laser facility, and that gives hope to researchers at the University of Rochester in New York, who are developing plans for a 75-PW laser, the Optical Parametric Amplifier Line (OPAL). It would take advantage of beamlines at OMEGA-EP, one of the country's most powerful lasers. "The [Academies] report is encouraging," says Jonathan Zuegel, who heads the OPAL.

Invented in 1960, lasers use an external "pump," such as a flash lamp, to excite electrons within the atoms of a lasing material—usually a gas, crystal, or semiconductor. When one of these excited electrons falls back to its original state it emits a photon, which in turn stimulates another electron to emit a photon, and so on. Unlike the spreading beams of a flashlight, the photons in a laser emerge in a tightly packed stream at specific wavelengths.

Because power equals energy divided by time, there are basically two ways to maximize it: Either boost the energy of your laser, or shorten the duration of its pulses. In the 1970s, researchers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) in California focused on the former, boosting laser energy by routing beams through additional lasing crystals made of glass doped with neodymium. Beams above a certain intensity, however, can damage the amplifiers. To avoid this, LLNL had to make the amplifiers ever larger, many tens of centimeters in diameter. But in 1983, Gerard Mourou, now at the École Polytechnique near Paris, and his colleagues made a breakthrough. He realized that a short laser pulse could be stretched in time—thereby making it less intense—by a diffraction grating that spreads the pulse into its component colors. After being safely amplified to higher energies, the light could be recompressed with a second grating. The end result: a more powerful pulse and an intact amplifier.



The significance is not just a laser weapon, it is such powerful laser itself is one of the breakthrough necessary to make one of the 4th Generation Nuke, with is PURE FUSION H-BOMB, or Clean H-Bomb.

The H-Bomb Fusion nuke fuse is Hydrogen Isotope which are shortest Half-Life of nuke fuel materials. Making them very Clean, because their radiation level is gone the soonest after the mushroom cloud dispersed. However the existing H-Bomb needs a DIRTY 1st stage to give the necessary energy level for Nuclear Fusion to start, which is (old generation) Fission Bomb aka Hiroshima Atomic Bomb. One of the ways to generate the high energy level necessary for Nuclear Fusion to start is such a High Power Laser, that instantly give millions of degrees of heat and extreme high pressure.

Chinese is the only power that has (now 10 Petawatt) such high power laser, meaning they are already or close to 4th Gen Pure Fusion H-Bombs, which means you can nuke a city and almost immediately occupy it with own troops. Your troops will not die of radiation. The Chinese are in process of making 100 Petawatt Laser.


Last edited:


Dont post all these new technology from China. Alot of anti Chinese and haters here whom despise Chinese advancement in break through technology.

They only want to smell opium Trump fartings.


Dont post all these new technology from China. Alot of anti Chinese and haters here whom despise Chinese advancement in break through technology.

They only want to smell opium Trump fartings.

Nuke War coming, Opium War already over 150 yrs ago approx. Look more at future, not past.


Dont post all these new technology from China. Alot of anti Chinese and haters here whom despise Chinese advancement in break through technology.

They only want to smell opium Trump fartings.

Complaining about the past wrong doings of Ang Mohs, & Japs etc are useless, they will not regret nor apologize, and even if apologized, no one should accept any apology nor forgive. These stupid civilized protocols are unnecessary and actually Wrong. We do countless atrocities in entire fucking history that will make Nanking Carnage look fucking lame and pale! We must continue to do it. Why talk so much about Opium as if we can not sell drugs to Ang Moh and intoxicate them? Extort their wealth (sorry they already broke)? Invade them and carnage them and plunder all of their resources? Why not? This is the way of Natural System! Universal Law!

Nanking Massacre is nothing big in 5000 yrs history, and why not we wipe out Japan now, Massacre from Hokkaido all the way down to Tokyo Osaka Okinawa all the way!? Make all their girls JAV Sex Slaves Auctioned on Alibaba.com Tattoo QR code on their breast to be scan and shared like share-bikes! Download a App to fuck a few?! Why Not? Comfort women is not a big invention, QR Code Share-Japs-Whore is my invention and Make Whores Great Again!



Dont post all these new technology from China. Alot of anti Chinese and haters here whom despise Chinese advancement in break through technology.

They only want to smell opium Trump fartings.

Read this:

Ang Moh are already shitlessly frightened, they are helplessly desperate now. With Hwasong ICBM up their ass, they kept screaming nuke, while so scared to be nuked!

You kept reminding Ang Moh about an Opium War (1839) which they won about 150 years ago, you restored their ego and confidence! Their biggest profits from Opium War was HK as colony for more than a century. Now Ang Moh already Lan-Lan returned HK to PRC for over 20 yrs! The next war we occupy annex all of their territory, carnage their folks, and plunder all their resources! Dangle before their eyeballs the advance powerful nukes and irresistible military forces! Kept telling them that their time is up! Now is not like Opium War already, NUKE UP THEIR ASS!



Ah Neh bragging their 1K watt laser weapon just weeks ago. LOL!

1KW vs 10PW, difference by 10 billion times!

1P=10^15 1K=10^3
10PW / 1KW = 10^13 = 10 billion X

ABNN KPKB fuck spider?



Ah Neh bragging their 1K watt laser weapon just weeks ago. LOL!

1KW vs 10PW, difference by 10 billion times!

1P=10^15 1K=10^3
10PW / 1KW = 10^13 = 10 billion X

ABNN KPKB fuck spider?

My thread title was based on a bit outdated info of 5PW. Now it is already 10PW and aiming for 100PW.


















中科院先導科技專項取得豐碩成果 [/paste:font]
經濟日報 2018-01-24 15:35


文章来源:解放日报 黄海华 发布时间:2017-10-27 【字号: 小 中 大 】






  去年3月,我国科学家首次利用超强超短激光产生反物质。这还只是超强超短激光应用的冰山一角。超强超短激光能在实验室内创造出前所未有的超强电磁场、超高能量密度和超快时间尺度等综合性极端物理条件,这是之前只有在核爆中心、恒星内部、黑洞边缘才能找到的极端物理条件,可用于研制激光质子刀以治疗癌症;制造台式化电子加速器和产生超快X射线源对蛋白质探测成像; 研究天体物理和宇宙起源,将来还可能用于真空结构和暗物质的探测等。





  (原载于《解放日报》 2017-10-27 01版)


It is crucial characteristic to deliver destructive energy by high power on to target and over a shortest duration, rather taking a duration of many seconds to burn a target.
This is for several reasons.

  1. Heat losses to air moisture, rain, fog, snow, cloud etc, over the duration accumulates the total losses, heated air and moisture moves away from laser path and filled up again by cooler air / moisture from below the path, hence over a duration of many seconds you are heating up and vaporizing many tons of air and moisture instead of the target. The longer duration the more fluid convection / flow and the more total losses of energy.
  2. Movement of targets, especially hypersonic warheads, supersonic missiles, planes, drones, changing angles and paths, you won't get a very prolonged duration to lock aim and heat it up by low energy accumulation of heating effects, you rather have a short duration extremely high intensity delivery of energy, blast it off. Any longer duration the hypersonic warhead had impacted on the target already, you lost!
  3. Rotation of warhead and vibration of speed boats; planes; helicopters etc, cause your heating effects to spread over a larger surface area, and become less effective. You want a fine focused tiny spot of concentrated energy on target to penetrate and destroy it, if your duration is longer, self-rotation / vibration / shaky movement tracking etc, cause your laser energy to be spread over a larger area losing intensity level, your penetrative destruction becomes ineffective.
  4. Photon impact pressure is higher for high energy level short duration, same total amount of energy by short duration higher wattage, higher photon impact speed and penetration power.

Chinese made their breakthrough in the ABSOLUTE CORRECT SPOT and the MOST CRUCIAL important point = short duration high power laser energy delivery. Pop like a lightning bolt, struck the target to get blasted off! Instead of the sizzling zzzzz over 10 seconds 20 seconds, the duration gave time for the target surface to cool off by air convection and surface material conduction. This is wrong and ineffective way, it is like those laser surface treatment or engraving machines. Took long time, and only damaged surface.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
The Star Wars movies show clearly how to beat the chink's Death Star by cheap means. 11 Jinping has wasted lots of chink money for no good reason.


Xijinping's technological lead in such powerful laser had been monopoly on a crucial device for 15 year now, during which China Blockade USA. The tiny laser crystal pinched in the fingers of Chinese lead researcher. Until 2016 USA had only been able to produce this crystal, and Chinese had it made in 1990s. No Ang Moh copycat Ah Tiong pse! It makes purple color laser just like my text!


中国独占激光武器最核心材料 对美技术封锁长达15年
中国独占激光武器最核心材料 对美技术封锁长达15年
















greedy and cunning

The Star Wars movies show clearly how to beat the chink's Death Star by cheap means. 11 Jinping has wasted lots of chink money for no good reason.

the Terminator movies show clearly americaunt already sent the first generation ternimatore to chink land.

watch out for this fellow in china , a ternimator



Some of these physicists are only talking big in order to attract research funds for their pet toy projects. They hope to interest the Chinese government.

When the Higgs boson was said to be discovered in 2012, a top Chinese physicists were trying to get the Chinese government to build the largest ever super collider bigger than the current Geneva Large Hadron Collider (LHC); he was talking about building a "Higgs" factory to mass produce the god particle- not just one!:p All these high energy physics and the higgs boson is a scam (see my website below). They say their protons reached an energy level of 7 TeV (7 x 10¹² eV) - my paper shows it is only 470 Mev (470 x 10⁶ eV), off by a factor of 15,000!:eek:

I can't say about the Chinese lasers with 10 Peta Watts; what kills is total energy released and not power - it is energy = watt times time. If it is 10 Peta Watts x 10¯²⁴ secs, the energy may not even kill an ant!:biggrin:

So how advanced the Chinese is in modern warfare is only when they fight. Remember the CCTV sponsored Lei Gong Tai Chi master who was KO in 10 secs by an MMA.:(

Chan Rasjid
my blog on China Supercollider:


Some of these physicists are only talking big in order to attract research funds for their pet toy projects. They hope to interest the Chinese government.

When the Higgs boson was said to be discovered in 2012, a top Chinese physicists were trying to get the Chinese government to build the largest ever super collider bigger than the current Geneva Large Hadron Collider (LHC); he was talking about building a "Higgs" factory to mass produce the god particle- not just one!:p All these high energy physics and the higgs boson is a scam (see my website below). They say their protons reached an energy level of 7 TeV (7 x 10¹² eV) - my paper shows it is only 470 Mev (470 x 10⁶ eV), off by a factor of 15,000!:eek:

I can't say about the Chinese lasers with 10 Peta Watts; what kills is total energy released and not power - it is energy = watt times time. If it is 10 Peta Watts x 10¯²⁴ secs, the energy may not even kill an ant!:biggrin:

So how advanced the Chinese is in modern warfare is only when they fight. Remember the CCTV sponsored Lei Gong Tai Chi master who was KO in 10 secs by an MMA.:(

Chan Rasjid
my blog on China Supercollider:

You have no idea how projects and research works in PRC. You wrongly assumed American Pentagon systems work for China. Entirely different lah.

Chinese are very practical. They may although spend money on things that may or may not get results, but they will be absolutely silent and classify as academic research, and just have knowledge results and figures in reports afterwards, and close case. Future reference value if something else later may need these findings. But when they announced to their own people and the world, this is already something that is 3 or 4 phases down the road, and committed huge manpower and facilities and funds. and most importantly, close to completing a usable weapon system in realistic military stand off or combat. Especially if these purposes are for strategic advantage against USA in an arm race. They post on youtube to make sure Pentagon see clearly their firm position. They will take any satellites; ICBMs; warheads; spy drone... of the space. Make a blasting burst of particles of the billion dollar US Tax Payer funded toys WRITE OFF and can not harm China.