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Xia suay, she scored an A1 for O-Level Chinese but struggles to speak a coherent sentence


Alfrescian (Inf)
And that's why you work for CNA as a pretend-journalist. :cool:

Listening to Tiong Youtubers and livestreams helps a lot. :wink:

Here are my suggestions:



Alfrescian (Inf)
That's why I heard from the more senior Chinese teachers that the MOE has been dumbing down the curriculum since the 1990s. :wink:

It's not just Chinese language, but math and science too.


A1 also. But not proud of it because it's all memorizing rather than real interest and talent.

But be modest lah. Ownself say ownself no real interest and no talent, yet can score A1. Then those students with real interest but cannot score A1 hear already damn tulan one ok? :inlove:



But be modest lah. Ownself say ownself no real interest and no talent, yet can score A1. Then those students with real interest but cannot score A1 hear already damn tulan one ok? :inlove:
rote learning is all cheating one. nothing to be proud of.


rote learning is all cheating one. nothing to be proud of.
I'm not asking you to be proud. But don't score A1 liao still say "Aiya, I boh hiew still score A1."

It's similar to a woman keeping her virginity until 50 years old, then you deflowered her and after that go around telling people "Aiya, I have no interest in virgin lah." You hurt the feelings of the 50-year old virgin, and other men who could not find a virgin to marry, only to chin chai grab one in the used market. :sneaky:


During my schooldays, I listen to both English and Chinese songs, watch Chinese movies and tv dramas, listen to Chinese radio stations and read every issue of 电视广播周. And of course, sianing ah lians from neighborhood schools also helped as I was forced to converse with them in Mandarin. Managed to score an A2 for Chinese at the O Levels.