Stomp contributor howcanlikethis was disturbed to see obscenities and xenophobic graffiti in Nanyang Technological University (NTU).
In an email to Stomp, the reader said:
"Someone posted this up in a rumour mongering group on Facebook for NTU.
"Is this how undergrads from a respectable university are supposed to behave?
"Look at all the foul words and xenophobic messages.
"Please stop destroying the reputation of our own school."
This is not the first case of resentment against foreign students surfacing in Singapore universities.
In another Stomp posting, another Stomp reader, Cyber policeman, came across undergraduates hurling expletives and vulgarities at each other online in an argument about foreign students receiving more benefits here.
He emailed Stomp:
"Someone sent me a link to the website given and when I visited the website I was extremely shocked to read the debates and arguments between some of our brightest students in the local universities.
"Some of them claimed to have four As and two S papers.
"They were arguing about the privileges and opportunities of local and foreign students in NUS and NTU. The local students resented the overabundance of foreign students and the extra privileges given to them.
"But what irks me is the type of language and insults they hurled at one another.
"They called each other "morons" and the four letter word was used without any qualms at all.
"If this is a cross section of our future graduates then we have much cause to worry. Why are our undergrads so foul-mouthed and uncouth?
"I am simply stunned."
Err... is this racist?