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Wow, now QB cut hair is $14


Alfrescian (InfP) + Mod
Generous Asset
Thanks to PAP our haircut does not cost US$35 ($50) like in the US.



Alfrescian (Inf)
Maybe it's cheaper to buy membership at those budget hair salons, then each haircut costs $2 or $3. Quality not guaranteed, depends on the Tiong or jiuhu person who does the haircut. :unsure:


Alfrescian (Inf)
KNN, limpeh just paid $18 for this on aliepress since lockdown begin and have since saved on barber costs forever.



Alfrescian (Inf)
KNN, limpeh just paid $18 for this on aliepress since lockdown begin and have since saved on barber costs forever.

View attachment 164432

I had a couple of haircuts done by this gentleman, during the peak of the scamdemic when unvaxxed purebloods were denied entry into malls and certain barber shops. :cool:

I searched for an 'outdoor barber' and found him. Glad to have experienced him before he retired. :thumbsup:

He liked to trim your sideburns until they have a very 'squarish' shape which tapered off at the end. Very unique style of his. :biggrin:



Alfrescian (Inf)
Before Covid, I ever went to a gentleman's barber shop before for the 1st time in my life. Shop owned by local Chinese chap. Nice deco and he showcased all his different pomade for sale. His barbers all Mat boys from JB who used to be barbers from JB Pandan pasar malam. Cost me $28 for a haircut. KNN the following month I went to my usual neighborhood auntie salon for a similar haircut for just $10.