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Wow ISIS Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi can NOT DIE, PAP afraid?



No matter how US & Ang Moh Targeted him, bombed him, missile him, shoot him what so ever, this Allah Hu Akebar can NEVER DIE, better than Eveready Energizer Battery.:p


ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi releases new recording urging attacks… proving he STILL isn’t dead despite rumours

This is the first heard message from the jihadist leader in almost a year - during which time rumours he had died have been rife.

By Ellie Cambridge
28th September 2017, 7:08 pm
Updated: 28th September 2017, 8:22 pm
ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi - still apparently alive despite numerous air strikes - has released new tapes referencing recent attacks on Japan and the US by North Korea.

This is the first heard message from the jihadist leader in almost a year - during which time rumours he had died have been rife.

ISIS leader al-Baghdadi, pictured preached in 2014, has been heard in a new recording
The 46-minute tape was released via the Al-Furqan news organisation and does not give a date of recording.

However it is thought to be fairly recent as he speaks of the recent missile tests and war of words between North Korea and the US.

He says "North Korea is now threatening America and Japan with nuclear power" and "America, Europe and Russia are living in a state of terror... fearing the strikes of the mujahideen".

Al-Baghdadi's last speech was issued in November 2016 where he called to make the "unbelievers" "blood flow as rivers".

The latest recording is titled "Sufficient Is Your Lord As A Guide And A Helper".

Officials had said they thought it would take years to kill or capture the leader as he is thought to be hiding in a desert area between Mosul and Raqqa.

Is this the first video footage of the leader of Isis?
Russia claimed earlier this year they may have killed Al-Baghdadi in an air strike but the US said it could not confirm his death.

Dramatic footage emerged in June, showing the scorching munitions showering down on to the city and setting buildings ablaze.

Al-Baghdadi had a £20 million bounty on his head because of his hate-filled sermons that inspired suicide attacks across Europe.

In this new recording he called on ISIS followers to continue, and claimed Syria's government forces, allies and other forces fighting IS would not "last an hour" without air cover provided by the US and Russians.

Getty - Contributor
Wrecked buildings are seen after airstrikes hit the de-conflict zone at Hamo village of Idlib, Syria

Getty - Contributor
Syrians are seen on the debris of al-Tisa Mosque after airstrikes hit
He vowed to continue fighting and praised his followers despite the loss of the northern Iraqi city of Mosul.

Mosul was liberated from IS extremist in July after a long operation by Iraqi forces.

The Iraqi Prime Minister arrived into Mosul on July 10, to declare "victory" over ISIS - in the city where the death cult declared its so-called Caliphate.

The collapse of the group's terror HQ in Iraq came after waves of airstrikes and fierce hand-to-hand fighting amid the ancient city's blasted buildings.



Millions more to be made from small arms sales. If he dies an unfortunate few will have to cut back on caviar.


The whole World is after his arse - US, Russia, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Canadians, Australis, French, Germans, and everyone of these countries have men on the ground or do bombing sorties and they still can't get one fucking bugger.

The same with Osama Bin Laden, they took years and due credit to Obama but what exactly is Intelligence Services doing?

I guess watching Hollywood movies when a lone white man destroys an entire army singlehandedly provides that relief.


Super Moderator
The whole World is after his arse - US, Russia, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Canadians, Australis, French, Germans, and everyone of these countries have men on the ground or do bombing sorties and they still can't get one fucking bugger.

Qin ShiHuang understood the human nature and united a bunch of mofo under the same flag, unified the language and many other things. He wasn't the first and wouldn't be the last.


Good to know there is hope. The guy is running a war, he therefore is communicating with his inner circle, giving orders and not that he is sitting in bolthole sipping latte for the last one year with no contact with anyone.

Qin ShiHuang understood the human nature and united a bunch of mofo under the same flag, unified the language and many other things. He wasn't the first and wouldn't be the last.


The Arabs involved are all rulers of their respective Kingdoms, Sheikdoms and Emirates by birth right. This guy is threatening their legitimacy by proclaiming a caliphate and himself a Caliph. That's why they into this big time.

Turkey has been providing medical aid and even hospitalisation for Isis senior officials and probably helping him. Turkey is in conflict with the Gulf countries with the exception of Qatar. They are also in conflict with Kurd. Isis is the least of the problems.

agree on all counts, I do believe the Arabs are keenly aware of this chap's movement... don't you think so? :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: