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Wot happens if there is a nuclear war between russia and USA?

Byebye Penis

There are 3 superpowers now - Russia, US and China.

So if two get into a fight, the third one will benefit.
Is that why, these superpowers are reluctant to crash heads-on?


We are out of the way.
China will be remaining super power
Imuho the question should be what will happen to you if there is a nuclear war between Russia and USA.
In fact my uncle wish for it to happen provided they have no intention to perish with my uncle. That means my uncle will stand to gain from it when most other sinkies perished with their investments. My uncle's lifestyle and financial status has 0% linkage to the West.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Problem is both tiong-cock and mother Russia have their dirty wealth in USD. Pressing the nuke button is as good as saying goodbye to all your ill-gotten money.


Alfrescian (Inf)
it's not a bad idea. instead of proxy wars and causing other people deaths. they should fight it out themselves with the most deadly weapons.


Asshole Ng Eng Hen: Total Defence saved lives, with $100 to every NS boy it keeps S'pore united and strong