Newborn stallion weighs in at just six pounds<!-- end: .tools -->
<abbr class="timedate" title="2010-04-26T18:29:20-0700">
Mon Apr 26, 9:29 pm ET
<!-- end .related-media --> <!-- end .byline --> If baby animals are "cute," then how does one describe Einstein the newborn pinto stallion? Super-incredi-adora-cute? Weighing in at just six pounds, the New Hampshire-born foal may be the world's smallest horse. Dr. Rachel Wagner, Einstein's co-owner, says the Guinness record for the smallest newborn horse is 9 pounds. Wagner notes Einstein shows no signs of dwarfism, unlike the current record holder. Photos of Einstein standing next to a young child and a bemused Saint Bernard really put the horse's 14-inch frame in perspective. All together now: "Awwww!"
<cite id="captionCite">AP</cite>
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