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World's oldest panda dies in Chinese zoo at age 34



World's oldest panda dies in Chinese zoo at age 34

The world's oldest panda has died at the age of 34, Chinese state media has reported.


Ming Ming spent part of her life at London Zoo Photo: REX FEATURES

12:01PM BST 17 May 2011

The Panda, Ming Ming, died from old age and had kidney failure. She had been living at a zoo or preserve in Guangdong province, said The Global Times.

The China Panda Protection Center in Sichuan province said in a statement she died May 7, but it was reported only Tuesday in local media. More details on her were not available.

The newspaper said wild pandas live 15 years on average and captive ones 22 years.

Giant pandas are among the world's most endangered species, with about 1,600 in the wild. More than 300 are in captivity in China, most in a breeding program aimed at boosting the population.

The country also loans pandas to zoos worldwide.

Ming Ming caused a minor diplomatic incident in 1991 when she was sent to London Zoo in 1991 to mate with Berlin panda Bao Bao.

However she had to return to China when the two fought and failed to produce any cubs.
