If planes are more costly, US would be full of hsr all over the country tarnishing the environment with rail tracks and overhead bridges.
Ang Mohs are stupid fools totally and inside out.
See what's the state of their world now?
USA especially are dummies on railroads, their existing railroads were all BUILT BY CHINESE during Qing Dynasty. And for longest time US does not built / upgrade much of railroads bridges etc.
I also used to think that US motorways were good, but crap already by today's standard. During 1980's when I 1st went to USA I was impressed. But now? Even Malaysia already come up to have them and slightly better than USA's already.
Nation infrastructure wise most of Chow Ang Mohs are fucked up. Especially USA. Even Canada is slightly better in the conditions of their infrastructure.
Canadian CN rails 500% better than USA. Tracks are all bi-directional well laid, many connections and networked, good timing, good train car - compared with USA, standardization, and SAFETY 500% better than US Amtracks.
EU used to be high standard but very lacking in completeness of coverage. Japs exceeded EU. But Chinese now exceeded Japs by 200%. World #1 is Chinese now.
During CNY 春运 their total national rail transportation capacity was 3 billion pax-trips. Equal to the sum population levels of 3 continents America + Europe + Nigger continent. Done within CNY season no fuckup!
Baidu wiki:
编辑 讨论2
春节假期大量外出务工人员返乡的一次春运,时间从2019年1月21日(腊月十六)开始,到2019年3月1日(正月廿五)结束,共计40天,节前15天,节后25天。 [1-2]
候补购票”功能,假期继续实施高速公路小型客车免费通行政策。 [3-4]
2019年1月21日,2019年春运正式开启;1月28日至2月3日(腊月廿三至腊月廿九)全中国迎来春运节前客流高峰 [5] ;截至3月1日,2019年春运全中国旅客发送量29.8亿人次 [6] ;全中国铁路累计发送旅客4.1亿人次,首次突破4亿人次,同比增加2539.2万人次,增长6.7% [7] 。
中文名 2019年春运 外文名 Spring Festival Transport in 2019 起止日期 2019年1月21日至3月1日 持续时间 40天 交通工具 火车、汽车、飞机等 购票途径 网上、车站等
- 1 春运发展
- 2 春运管理
- ▪ 工作安排
- ▪ 严打倒票
- ▪ 快递管理
- ▪ 旅客预估
- 3 购票相关
- ▪ 车票预售
- ▪ 学生购票
- ▪ 购票攻略
- ▪ 购票途径
- ▪ 取票须知
- ▪ 售票动态
- ▪ 购票骗局
- 4 春运之变
- ▪ 运力之变
- ▪ 售票之变
- ▪ 政策优惠
- 5 相关事件
- ▪ 暖心事件
- ▪ 偷盗事件
刘鹤在北京检查春运工作。他强调,春运关系人民群众切身利益,关乎社会安定和谐,是党中央交给交通运输行业的一项重要政治任务,是检验交通运输系统安全生产、服务质量、应急管理等行业治理能力的年度“大考” [8] 。
反向春运”特征明显。同时,节前还存在客流由特大城市或省会城市向周边城市迁徙的特征 [5] 。
2019年1月26日,1月25日(春运第五天)全中国铁路、道路、水路、民航共发送旅客7407.8万人次,比2018年同期增长0.7%。其中铁路发送旅客994.2万人次,增长9.0%;道路发送旅客6152万人次,下降0.8%;水路发送旅客83.52万人次,下降2.1%;民航发送旅客178.1万人次,增长15.4% [9] 。2月7日开始,公路客流开始增加 [10] 。
2019年2月10日,交通运输部发布数据,春运前20天(1月21日至2月9日)累计发送旅客13.95亿人次,增长0.79%。其中铁路发送旅客1.86亿人次,增长8.09%;道路发送旅客11.53亿人次,下降0.45%;水路发送旅客2119.3万人次,下降4.64%;民航发送旅客3543.18万人次,增长10.25%;邮政业务总量12.7亿件,增长58.2% [11] 。
2019年3月1日,2019年春运全中国旅客发送量29.8亿人次 [6] 、;其中:铁路发送旅客4.1亿人次,增长7.4%;道路发送旅客24.6亿人次,下降0.8%;水路发送旅客0.41亿人次,与2018年持平;民航发送旅客0.73亿人次,增长12% [12] 。春运期间,铁路每天安排图定旅客列车4800对;公路营运客车达81万余辆、2100万个客位;水路客运船舶运力达2万余艘、100万个客位;民航安排航班53万余个,加班机3.5万余个。 [13]
首都机场迎来春节“黄金周”前出行最高峰 [14] 。2月8日,民航方面全中国计划飞行执行航班较7日的16523班基本持平 [15] 。
2019年2月13日,民航局运输司副司长于彪透露,1月21日至2月12日,春运前23天全中国旅客运输量为16.8亿人次,比2018年春运同期增长0.63%,其中民航共运送旅客4147.3万人次,比2018年春运同期增长10.4%,在各种交通运输方式中增速最快 [16] 。
2019年春运期间,甘肃省日均投放客运班车1.35万辆、47.2万个客位,全省共完成道路旅客运输量3105.3万人次 [17] ;宁夏回族自治区道路运输共发送旅客265.05万人次,投入总运力10.56万辆次,总客位数337.82万座次 [18] ;湖南省公路客运完成6669.04万人次 [18] ;江西省公路发送旅客3553.8万人次 [19] ;江苏省公路客运发送旅客2960万人次 [20] ;吉林省道路旅客运输量为2250.1万人次,高速公路出、入口车流量共计1889.99万台 [21] 。
2019年春运期间,湖南省水路客运完成130.13万人次 [18] ;江西省水运发送旅客15.3万人次 [19] 。
2019年1月21日,中国铁路广州局集团发送旅客156万人次 [22] ;2月6日,从中国铁路总公司获悉:自1月21日进入春运以来,全中国铁路节前15天累计发送旅客1.43亿人次,同比增长8.6%。其中,1月26日发送旅客1049.6万人次,创节前春运单日旅客发送量最高纪录 [23] ;截至2月12日,全中国铁路累计发送旅客达2.1亿人次 [24] ;截至2月21日,全中国铁路累计发送旅客突破3亿人次,达到3.1亿人次 [25] 。3月1日,为期40天的2019年铁路春运圆满结束,全中国铁路累计发送旅客4.1亿人次,首次突破4亿人次,同比增加2539.2万人次,增长6.7% [7] 。
日期发送旅客日期发送旅客日期发送旅客2019年1月21日953.2万 [26] 2019年1月22日894.2万 [27] 2019年1月23日908.5万 [28] 2019年1月24日935.4万 [29] 2019年1月25日1020万 [30] 2019年1月26日1042.5万 [31] 2019年1月27日1012.2万 [32] 2019年1月28日1037.7万 [33] 2019年1月29日986.9万 [34] 2019年1月30日989.3万 [35] 2019年1月31日1021.8万 [36] 2019年2月1日1047.3万 [37] 2019年2月2日1026.5万 [38] 2019年2月3日929.8万 [39] 2019年2月4日548万(预计) [40] 2019年2月5日421.7万 [41] 2019年2月6日763.2万 [42] 2019年2月7日917.3万 [43] 2019年2月8日1002万 [44] 2019年2月9日1111.4万 [45] 2019年2月10日988.7万 [46] 2019年2月11日1274.8万 [47] 2019年2月12日1208.7万 [48] 2019年2月13日1171.5万 [49] 2019年2月14日1146.0万 [50] 2019年2月15日1132.0万 [51] 2019年2月16日1126.6万 [52] 2019年2月17日1064.8万 [53] 2019年2月18日1035.3万 [54] 2019年2月19日872.3万 [55] 2019年2月20日1121.2万 [56] 2019年2月21日1146万 [57] 2019年2月22日1204.8万 [58] 2019年2月23日1316.9万 [59] 2019年2月24日1234万 [60] 2019年2月25日1088.5万 [61] 2019年2月26日933.3万 [62] 2019年2月27日904万 [63] 2019年2月28日894.6万 [64] 2019年3月1日980万(预计) [64] ————————
2019年铁路春运从1月21日起至3月1日止,共40天,节前15天,节后25天。铁路春运火车票互联网和电话订票提前30天发售,车站售票窗口、代售点仍提前28天发售。12306网站(含手机客户端)继续发挥售票主渠道作用,在方便旅客网上购票方面,铁路部门进一步改善旅客购票体验,实行网上刷脸认证,进行候补购票服务试点,优化核验流程完善售票设施,方便旅客购票。 [65]
2019年航空春运,国航、南航、东航等将增加航班保障旅客出行。其中国航春运期间计划投入飞机运力423架,同比增长4.4%,提供座位1057万个,同比增长6.8%。南航计划增加航班近5300班,其中国际及地区航线约500班,中国内航线约4800班。东航计划执行航班11.5万班次,同比增加11.9%。 [66]
2019年湖南、广东、广西、江西、湖北、贵州、重庆7省(市)协同合作,共享大数据分析成果,探索高速公路协作新机制,为出行者提供更高水平的出行服务。 [67]
2018年12月29日,国家发改委披露了名为《关于全力做好2019年春运工作的意见》的文件。意见指出,要依法严惩“车闹”“机闹”“高铁霸座”等旅客严重不文明行为,维护良好出行秩序。 [68]
2018年12月8日,南京客运部门发布消息称,为方便春运期间旅客正常出行,拟于12月21日起,开始出售春节期间火车票,预售期延长为30天。 [1]
此外,北京西站地区管委会还联合北京公交集团在西站地区开通了合乘定制公交服务。截至2019年1月8日设置乘车站点1处,运营时间为每日19时至次日凌晨1时30分,旅客可通过“定制公交APP”自助下单选择目的地,其价格高于一般公交车,但远低于巡游出租车价格。 [69]
为改善春运期间旅客出行服务体验,南铁还将继续开行“务工人员返乡专列”,这也是南铁连续第15年开行“返乡专列”。在南昌、赣州、鹰潭等9个务工客流密集的车站,设立务工团体票专窗;采取学生团体票网站优先集中办理、学生票预售期延长、预售期内预留部分学生票额等方式,保障和方便学生购票。 [70]
2019年1月16日,中华人民共和国公安部发出2019年春运交通安全预警,2019年春运客货运输高峰早,受恶劣天气影响大,道路交通安全需高度重视。据统计,近五年,平均每个春运时段全中国共发生一次死亡3人以上事故95起,明显高于其他时段,其中2018年春运期间发生2起一次死亡10人以上重大事故,占全年重大事故总数的40%。 [71]
2019年1月30日,公安部举行新闻发布会。公安部交通管理局巡视员、副局长李江平称,春节期间和春运后期返程高峰,公安交管部门将集中开展农村地区酒驾醉驾专项整治、农村面包车交通安全整治、主干公路交通秩序整治三大行动。 [72]
湖北机场集团市场营销部航线业务主管刘锐说,增加航班后,武汉往返北京、上海、广州、深圳、海口、三亚、昆明等重点春运客流集中地的航班,平均每天分别可以达到38班、43班、33班、29班、33班、27班、23班,提供充裕的出行班次。 [73]
春运期间,三亚凤凰国际机场预计执飞航班15006架次,运输旅客量281.5万人次,同比分别增长2.89%和2.51%。三亚机场计划日均航班量375架次,日均运输旅客7.04万人次。预计高峰航班起降数量达408架次,高峰旅客吞吐量达7.3万人次。 [74]
2019年1月20日,中国铁路总公司发布消息称,系列复兴号集中上线2019年春运,数量达400对。 [75]
2019年春运,有京广、广深港、贵广、南广和广珠城际5条高铁线在广州南站交会,广州成为全中国唯一 [76] 的东西南北四个方向均有延伸出省高铁干线的城市。
2019年1月27日,中国铁路武汉局集团公司在汉口、武汉两站共加开9列夜行高铁,开往广州、上海,可接7000多名旅客返回武汉。这是中国铁路武汉局集团公司2019年春运开出的第一列“夜行高铁”。 [77]
四川宣汉火车站站长 陈军
2019年2月8日,西安局集团公司开行了节后首趟务工专列,这条线路辐射了13个国家级贫困县,为沿线外出务工人员提供便捷。四川宣汉火车站站长陈军介绍,20190年是车站连续第21年开行务工专列,2019年将新增始发去往广州、上海方向的务工专列共计25趟。 [78]
2018年7月,青藏铁路公安局西宁公安处实施的便民新举措“临时制证机”投入使用,该机日均制证100余张,为广大旅客提供了不少方便。除了临时身份证制证机,青藏铁路公安局还在西宁站推出了一键报警柱、青藏铁路公安局微警务等措施保障旅客的出行安全 [79] 。
2018年11月底,北京西站安全生产调度指挥中心开始筹划建立(总面积为420.2㎡),2019年1月15日正式投入运营。 [80]
2018年12月6日,武汉铁路公安局自启动“猎鹰—2019”战役。这一专项行动将持续90天。12月23日,武汉铁路公安局公开通报,自“猎鹰—2019”战役启动以来,武铁警方已捣毁假票窝点7个,查获违法人员71名,缴获各类火车票32700余张。 [81]
并以郑州、洛阳等6个农民工团体往返票乘车站为重点,加强对务工人员团体票窗口的卡控,及时锁定目标侦破。还将动态巡查热门可疑倒票网站及可疑App,及时追踪车票、假证来源及获取渠道,全力挤压倒票活动空间。 [82]
2018年12月28日,记者从中国铁路郑州局集团有限公司,2019年铁路春运自1月21日起至3月1日止,中国铁路郑州局集团有限公司预计发送旅客1545.1万人,同比增长5.1%,其中预计发送直通旅客827.6万人,同比增长3.2%;预计发送管内旅客717.5万人,同比增长7.3%。 [83]
2019年1月15日,从中华人民共和国公安部召开的发布会上了解到,铁路公安机关集中整治治安安全隐患2000余起;破获倒票案件2378起,缴获假火车票48804张;破获各类刑事案件774起、抓获犯罪嫌疑人689名,打掉犯罪团伙12个,抓获网上逃犯5000余名。查处了霸座、扒阻车门等各类扰序违法行为3000余起,行政拘留500余人。 [84]
2018年12月27日,国家发展改革委发布《关于全力做好2019年春运工作的意见》显示预测,2019年春运全中国旅客发送量将达到29.9亿人次,比上年春运增长0.6%。其中,道路24.6亿人次,下降0.8%;铁路4.13亿人次,增长8.3%;民航7300万人次,增长12%;水运4300万人次,与上年基本持平。 [85]
2019年1月15日,从中华人民共和国公安部召开的发布会上了解到,2018年春运全中国铁路发送旅客预计达到4.06亿人次,将再创新历史新高。 [84]
2019年1月18日,中华人民共和国国务院新闻办公室举行2019年春运形势和工作安排发布会。中国铁路总公司副总经理李文新介绍,2019年春运全中国铁路预计发送旅客4.13亿人次,同比增加3176万人次,增长8.3%,日均1033万人次。 [86-87]
2019年1月18日报道,从召开的长江干线2019年春运暨安全管理工作电视电话会议上获悉,2019年春运期间,长江干线1104万人次客流量中,预计渡运达1099万人次,汽车滚装、中短途客运和旅游船客流仅5万人次,中短途客船进一步萎缩,主要集中在三峡库区和四川境内。 [88]
2019年1月21日,来自中国铁路广州局集团公司的数据显示,2019年春运期间,该集团预计发送旅客5930万人次,同比增加492.6万人次。 [22]
参考资料: [1] [89]
2018年12月8日,从南京站了解到,2019年寒假学生火车票已经全面开售,学生旅客可以购买2018年12月1日至2019年3月31日期间的优惠火车票。车站提醒,学生只享受半价硬座客票和空调票,以及硬卧学生票价,软座、软卧均不出售学生票;高铁、动车组列车只发售二等车学生票,学生票为全价票的75%。购买学生票时,大中专学生须提供加盖院校公章的减价优待凭证、火车票电子优惠卡和经学校注册的学生证。每个学生在每年的规定时间内,只能购买4次学生票。此外,若学生在超过减价优待凭证上记载的区间乘车,对超过优惠乘车区间的部分须购买全价票。若学校和家庭所在地之间没有直达车,可分段购买联程票。 [1]
5、每个停靠车站有一定比例的分配票额,如有未售完的票,开车前一天余票再次出售。 [90]
网络和电话订票预售期30天,车站窗口、代售点和自动售票机延后2天开卖,预售期为28天。 [90]
需要注意的是,春运期间,各大车站客流密集、人多拥挤,广大旅客应尽量就近选择代售点提前取票,不要在开车前“掐点”取票,以免因排队时间过长耽误行程。 [90]
2018年12月23日至2019年1月6日,全中国铁路各种售票方式共售出车票2.0亿张,日均售出车票1332.3万张,日均同比增加189.5万张,增幅16.6%,单日售票量屡创新高。 [91]
六是车票汇款诈骗。冒充“客服”以种种理由拒绝使用正规网站提供的第三方安全支付,或假冒火车站内部工作人员等骗其直接汇款到个人账户。 [92]
三是进一步优化枢纽内客运车站分工,缓解大站压力。线路、车辆、车站能力的增加,列车运行组织措施的进一步优化,使2019年铁路春运运力提高5.3%。其中,节前共安排开行旅客列车4787对,同比增加468对,平均每天可提供运能942万个席位,同比增长5.4%;节后共安排开行旅客列车4860对,同比增加460对,平均每天可提供运能964万个席位,同比增长5.2%。节前北京、广州、沪宁杭等客流集中地区共安排直通客车1337对,同比增加72对。节后成渝、武汉、南昌、合阜、湖南等客流集中地区共安排直通客车756对,同比增加81对。节前在贵广、渝贵间开行夜间动车组111对,同比增加22.5对,提升广州到重庆间的运输能力。 [2]
候补购票”功能于2019年春运期间上线。 [4] [65]
这一功能上线后,旅客遇到车票售完的情况,在12306平台登记购票信息支付预购票资金后,如有退票、余票,12306系统将自动为其购票,无论是购票速度还是成功率都将领先于抢票软件。 [90]
四是优化核验流程完善售票设施,方便港澳台旅客。优化回乡证网上注册核验流程,实现全程网上办理;扩大加装卡式回乡证和台胞证专用识读设备自动售取票机范围和数量,实现省级城市所在地车站、广东省境内高铁车站、京广、京沪、杭深线所有高铁车站全覆盖,方便持回乡证和台胞证的旅客购票,全中国铁路500多个车站2000多台自动售取票机提供该项自助服务。 [2] [93]
五是网购火车票9成无需验证码,春运期间铁路部门进一步优化了验证码策略,最大限度减少旅客在购票环节出现验证码,只有在最热门日期和车次购票时才用输入验证码。 [94]
2019年1月7日,从2019年全中国春运电视电话会议上获悉,2018年底全中国私家车保有量达到1.9亿辆。春节假期继续实施高速公路小型客车免费通行政策。 [3]
2019年春运40天里,长三角铁路预计发送旅客7470万人次,同比增加390.8万人次,同比增长5.5%,日均发送旅客186.8万人次,创日均旅客发送量新高。 [95]
2019年1月26日,一场主题为“回家过年”的列车春晚在由齐齐哈尔开往北京的T48次列车上举行,中国铁路哈尔滨局集团公司齐齐哈尔客运段乘务人员自编自演节目,为春运期间返乡的旅客带来欢乐与温暖。 [96]
2019年1月28日,一场由乘务员自编自导自演的“高铁春晚”在由沈阳北站开往苍南的G1226次列车上上演。 [97]
2019年2月1日晚上,在南昌开往北京西的Z68次列车上,列车员们用自编自导自演的节目与旅客一起迎接农历新年的到来。在3号车厢的另一端,列车“心愿墙”也引起了旅客关注,不少人拿起彩色便利贴写下新年心愿。 [98]
2019年1月29日报道,中国铁路西安局集团有限公司联合西安市总工会及当地媒体,共同发起首趟免费“暖心高铁专列”。的500余名川籍老乡乘坐专列返乡。 [99]
2019年2月2日,广铁集团联合中国书法家协会的30余名书法家,在广州南站举办“同心同书·祖国新春好”送万福进万家活动,把对新春的美好祝福用书写春联的方式送给旅客。 [100]
2019年2月5日,在深圳开往青岛的特398次列车上,一位乘客突发心脏疾病。危急之际,来自深圳的多名医务工作者果断出手,成功施救。 [10]
2019年2月24日报道,在2019年春运里,一群穿着黄马甲的外国志愿者在中国铁路当起了“洋雷锋”,体验中国年味儿,给中国旅客送上别样温暖。 [101]
2019年1月26日,在宁波到厦门北的D3215次的列车上,旅客车先生趁停车时间下车活动,当他返回到座位时,发现自己放在座椅靠背网兜里钱包被人拿走了。通过监控视频,民警确定邻座的高某有重大作案嫌疑。次日,当高某在福建泉州站候车室时,被民警当场抓获。其对盗窃他人财物的行为供认不讳。目前,高某已被厦门铁路警方刑事拘留。 [102]
2019年2月4日报道,在成都开往达州的D5196次列车上,正在车上开展反扒防范的便衣民警发现了一名正在盗窃旅客财物的男子,由于太过专注,反扒民警站在身后10秒都没有被察觉。民警从其上衣口袋内查获盗窃所得现金3300元。经审讯,嫌疑人王某有过多次盗窃前科,对在动车上盗窃他人财物的犯罪事实供认不讳。王某已被成都铁路警方刑事拘留。 [102]
截至2019年2月4日,2019年春运开始以来,铁路警方共破获盗抢骗案件1328起,抓获违法嫌疑人2117名,为旅客挽回经济损失1600余万元。 [102]
Spring Festival of 2019 Edit Discussion 2
The Spring Festival of 2019 refers specifically to the Spring Festival in 2019, when a large number of migrant workers return home during the Spring Festival holiday, starting from January 21, 2019 (the 17th of the twelfth lunar month) and ending on March 1st, 2019 (the first month of the fifth month). For a total of 40 days, 15 days before the festival, 25 days after the festival. [1-2]
During the Spring Festival of 2019, the 12306 website launched the “alternate ticket purchase” function, and the holiday continued to implement the free pass policy for expressway small passenger cars. [3-4]
On January 21, 2019, the Spring Festival in 2019 officially opened; from January 28 to February 3 (Tursday to March 29), the whole country ushered in the peak passenger flow before the Spring Festival [5]; as of March 1, In the Spring Festival of 2019, the number of passengers sent by China was 2.98 billion person times [6]; the total number of passengers in China's railways was 410 million, which exceeded 400 million passengers for the first time, an increase of 25.392 million times, an increase of 6.7% [7].
[Official ticket grab, the fastest]
Spring Festival
Spring Festival
New Year's Eve
New Year's Eve
Spring Festival Evening
Spring Festival Evening
Spring Festival
Spring Festival
Alternate ticket purchase
Alternate ticket purchase
Chinese name
Spring Festival in 2019
Foreign name
Spring Festival Transport in 2019
Start and end date
January 21 to March 1, 2019
40 days
Trains, cars, planes, etc.
Ticketing route
Online, station, etc.
table of Contents
1 Spring Festival Development
2 Spring Festival Management
▪ Work arrangement
▪ Severe scalping
▪ Express management
▪ Passenger estimate
3 purchase related
▪ Ticket pre-sale
▪ Student tickets
▪ Ticketing strategy
▪ Ticketing route
▪ Ticket picking instructions
▪ Ticket sales
▪ Ticket scam
4 Spring Festival change
▪ Change in capacity
▪ Change in ticket sales
▪ Policy offers
5 related events
▪ Warm heart event
▪ Theft incident
Spring Festival Development
Spring Festival launch in 2019
Spring Festival launch in 2019 (10 photos)
On January 20, 2019, Liu He, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and vice premier of the State Council, inspected the Spring Festival in Beijing. He emphasized that the vital interest of the people in the Spring Festival travels is related to social stability and harmony. It is an important political task assigned by the Party Central Committee to the transportation industry. It is an annual inspection of the industry's ability to manage the safety of transportation systems, service quality, and emergency management. The big test" [8].
On January 27, 2019, the Ministry of Transport reported that in 2019, the characteristics of the "reverse Spring Festival" throughout China were obvious. At the same time, there are also characteristics of passenger flow from megacities or provincial capitals to surrounding cities before the festival [5].
Summary of the volume of various types of traffic passengers
On January 26, 2019, January 25 (the fifth day of the Spring Festival), the total number of passengers, railways, waterways and civil aviation in China was 74.78 million, an increase of 0.7% over the same period in 2018. Among them, the railway sent 99.24 million passengers, an increase of 9.0%; the road sent 6.152 million passengers, down 0.8%; the waterway sent 835,200 passengers, down 2.1%; the civil aviation sent 17.81 million passengers, an increase of 15.4% [9]. Beginning on February 7, the road passenger flow began to increase [10].
On February 10, 2019, the Ministry of Transport released data. In the 20 days before the Spring Festival (January 21 to February 9), a total of 1.395 billion passengers were sent, an increase of 0.79%. Among them, the railway sent 186 million passengers, an increase of 8.09%; the road sent 1.153 billion passengers, down 0.45%; the waterway sent 21.993 million passengers, down 4.64%; the civil aviation sent passengers 35.341 million passengers, an increase of 10.25%; the total postal business 12.7 Billions, an increase of 58.2% [11].
On March 1, 2019, the number of Chinese passengers sent by the Spring Festival in 2019 was 2.98 billion passengers [6], of which: the railway sent 410 million passengers, an increase of 7.4%; the road sent passengers 2.46 billion passengers, down 0.8%; the waterway sent passengers The number of people was 0.41 million, which was the same as that of 2018; the number of passengers sent by civil aviation was 73 million, an increase of 12% [12]. During the Spring Festival, the railway arranged 4,800 pairs of passenger trains every day; the number of passengers on the road operated reached 810,000 and 21 million passengers; the passenger capacity of waterway passenger ships reached 20,000 and 1 million passengers; and the civil aviation arranged flights of more than 530,000. There are more than 35,000 overtime machines. [13]
Since February 2, 2019, the Capital Airport has ushered in the highest peak before the Golden Week of the Spring Festival. [14] On February 8, the all-China planned flight execution flights of civil aviation were basically the same as the 16523 classes on the 7th. [15]
On February 13, 2019, Yu Wei, deputy director of the Transportation Department of the Civil Aviation Administration, revealed that from January 21 to February 12, the total passenger traffic of China in the 23 days before the Spring Festival was 1.68 billion passengers, an increase of 0.63% over the same period of the Spring Festival in 2018. Among them, civil aviation transported a total of 41.473 million passengers, an increase of 10.4% over the same period of the Spring Festival in 2018, and the fastest growth rate among various modes of transportation [16].
During the Spring Festival of 2019, Gansu Province issued a daily passenger bus of 13,500 vehicles and 472,000 passengers. The province's total passenger traffic was 31.053 million passengers. [17] The road transport of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region sent a total of 2,650,500 passengers. The total capacity is 105,600 vehicles, with a total passenger space of 3,378,200 seats [18]; Hunan Province's highway passenger transport completed 66,690,400 passengers [18]; Jiangxi Province highways sent 35,538,000 passengers [19]; Jiangsu Provincial Highway Passenger Transport sent 29.6 million passengers The number of passengers on the roads in Jilin Province was 22.501 million, and the total flow of expressway and entrance traffic was 188.999 million units [21].
During the Spring Festival of 2019, the passenger transportation of waterways in Hunan Province was 1,301,300 [18]; the water transport in Jiangxi Province sent 153,000 passengers [19].
On January 21, 2019, the Guangzhou Railway Bureau of China Railways sent 1.56 million passengers. [22] On February 6, from the China Railway Corporation, it was learned that since the Spring Festival on January 21, the first 15 days of the China Railway Festival have accumulated. Sending 143 million passengers, an increase of 8.6%. Among them, on January 26, 10.496 million passengers were sent, and the highest number of passengers sent by single-day passengers during the Spring Festival was established [23]; as of February 12, the total number of passengers sent by the entire China Railway reached 210 million [24]; as of February On the 21st, the total number of passengers sent by China's railways exceeded 300 million, reaching 310 million passengers [25]. On March 1, the 40-day 2019 railway spring transportation ended successfully. The total number of passengers in China's railways was 410 million, which exceeded 400 million passengers for the first time, an increase of 25.392 million passengers, an increase of 6.7% [7].
2019 Spring Festival All China Railways Send Passengers Date Sending Passengers Date Sending Passengers Date Sending Passengers
January 21, 2019, 95.32 million [26] January 22, 2019, 8.942 million [27] January 23, 2019, 90.85 million [28]
January 24, 2019, 93.54 million [29] January 25, 2019 10.2 million [30] January 26, 2019 1042.5 million [31]
January 27, 2019, 101.22 million [32] January 28, 2019, 103.77 million [33] January 29, 2019, 98.69 million [34]
January 30, 2019, 98.93 million [35] January 31, 2019, 102.18 million [36] February 1, 2019, 104.73 million [37]
February 2, 2019 10.265 million [38] February 3, 2019 9.298 million [39] February 4, 2019 5.48 million (expected) [40]
February 5, 2019, 42.17 million [41] February 6, 2019, 763.2 million [42] February 7, 2019, 917.3 million [43]
February 8, 2019, 100,000 [44] February 9, 2019, 1111.4 million [45] February 10, 2019, 98.87 million [46]
February 11, 2019, 12.748 million [47] February 12, 2019, 120.87 million [48] February 13, 2019, 11.715 million [49]
February 14, 2019 1.46 million [50] February 15, 2019, 113.20 million [51] February 16, 2019, 1126.6 million [52]
February 17, 2019 106.48 million [53] February 18, 2019 103.53 million [54] February 19, 2019 872.3 million [55]
February 20, 2019 112.12 million [56] February 21, 2019 11.46 million [57] February 22, 2019 120.48 million [58]
February 23, 2019, 13.69 million [59] February 24, 2019 12.34 million [60] February 25, 2019 108.85 million [61]
February 26, 2019, 93.33 million [62] February 27, 2019, 9.04 million [63] February 28, 2019, 8.946 million [64]
March 1, 2019, 9.8 million (expected) [64] —— —— ——
Spring Festival Management
working arrangement
Arrangement review
In 2019, the Spring Festival of Railways will run from January 21 to March 1, for a total of 40 days, 15 days before the festival and 25 days after the festival. The railway Spring Festival train ticket Internet and telephone bookings are available for sale 30 days in advance. The station ticketing window and the sales point are still available for sale 28 days in advance. The 12306 website (including mobile phone client) continues to play the role of the main channel of ticket sales. In order to facilitate passengers to purchase tickets online, the railway department further improves the passenger ticket purchasing experience, implements online face-to-face authentication, conducts alternate ticket purchasing service pilots, optimizes the verification process and improves ticket sales. Facilities to facilitate passengers to purchase tickets. [65]
In the spring of 2019, Air China, China Southern Airlines and China Eastern Airlines will increase flights to ensure passenger travel. During its China Spring Festival, it plans to invest 423 aircraft capacity, an increase of 4.4% year-on-year, providing 10.57 million seats, an increase of 6.8%. China Southern plans to increase the number of flights by nearly 5,300, including about 500 international and regional routes and about 4,800 domestic and international routes. China Eastern plans to execute 115,000 flights, an increase of 11.9%. [66]
In 2019, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Jiangxi, Hubei, Guizhou, and Chongqing provinces cooperated to share the results of big data analysis and explore new mechanisms for highway cooperation to provide travelers with a higher level of travel services. [67]
National Development and Reform Commission
On December 29, 2018, the National Development and Reform Commission disclosed the document entitled "Opinions on Doing a Good Job in the Spring Festival in 2019". The opinion pointed out that it is necessary to severely punish passengers such as "cars," "machine troubles," "high-speed rails" and other uncivilized behaviors, and maintain good travel order. [68]
Jiangsu Province
On December 8, 2018, the Nanjing Passenger Transport Department announced that in order to facilitate the normal travel of passengers during the Spring Festival, it is planned to start selling train tickets during the Spring Festival from December 21, and the pre-sale period will be extended to 30 days. [1]
On January 8, 2019, it was learned from the Beijing West Railway Station Management Committee that during the Spring Festival, there will be 6 temporary drop-off areas in the Beijing West Railway Station area, and the regional transportation passenger capacity will be increased by 20%. The subway and public transportation will also increase the capacity. . In addition, the legal network car can enter the Beijing West Railway Station parking lot to pick up passengers at night and enjoy free parking discount.
In order to adapt to the trend of Internet ticket purchase, during the Spring Festival, the self-service ticket collection area of the East and West Ticket Offices of the South Square of Beijing West Railway Station moved out, which reduced the security check-up and made it easier for passengers to quickly pick up tickets.
Seen at the South Square of Beijing West Railway Station, a brand-new "air passage" is about to be completed. According to reports, this is the "South Square Bus Station Link Gallery" that will be used during the Spring Festival. Through this passage, passengers can directly enter the southeast entrance of the railway station from the South Square bus station. In addition, three wide-channel gates have been installed at the south exit of the subway to improve passengers' outbound capacity. In the case of the North Square, two barrier-free ladders will be newly opened, and two stairs will be added to facilitate passengers to quickly enter the station from the P3 parking lot and the basement.
In terms of subway operation, the MTRC has adopted a plan to shorten the subway operation interval and timely start delay measures. During the Spring Festival, Metro Line 9 will shorten the train operation interval, and the peak period will be shortened from 3 minutes and 05 seconds to 2 minutes and 47 seconds. The first bus will operate 20 minutes in advance. In addition, the West Railway Station area also coordinates the delay of the subway line 7 on the peak of the return passenger flow at night to achieve the rail transit large capacity service guarantee.
In addition, the Beijing West Railway Station Management Committee also cooperated with the Beijing Public Transport Group to open a customized bus service in the West Railway Station area. As of January 8, 2019, there will be 1 station for the operation. The operation time is from 19:00 am to 1:30 am. Passengers can choose the destination through the “Customized Bus App” self-service order, the price is higher than the general price. Bus, but far below the price of a cruise taxi. [69]
Jiangxi Province
On January 13, 2019, it was learned from China Railway Nanchang Bureau Group Co., Ltd. that during the Spring Festival of 2019, 133 pairs of passenger trains were added, and night trains were added in Nanchang, Fuzhou and Xiamen. According to February 21 (the 17th day of the lunar calendar), the passenger flow in the South Rail will reach its peak. It is expected to send 1.14 million passengers, or it will set a record for the single-day passenger flow in the Spring Festival.
Combined with the characteristics of passenger flow, the South Rail has developed a variety of programs to deal with normal passenger flow, peak passenger flow and sudden passenger flow. A total of 543.5 pairs of passenger trains have been opened, including the Spring Festival passenger train 13