UArseA is broke to start a new war, always have to stay as policeman and being a policeman need money and how to make a begger country become a policeman.
China to busy to make cheap toys for White trash Christmas festive season so where got time to think of war. G Election coming soon in Singapore, PAP and his BG Generals to busy to swap manpowers and retire their generals so no time to think of war, even if they know it is here as you have warned?
Thailand just have a coop and now arresting their oppos and where go money to prepare for war.
Englan-lan just got a new PM and new cabinets so where go time to think of war? It will takes the new PM first 3 years to do nothing but re-planning to make it sounded it was their own ideas, and next 3 years to implement their plans, and next 3 years to finish their plans and finally next 3 years to get kick out and everything re-start over again by a new cabinet.
Australia just got a new Cheebye PM and the (w)hole cuntry run by Cheebyes so motherly figures don't go to war but scold and nag at you everyday is what they are good at.
go and have a mini war with your spouse .... hehehe