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[World] - Putin warns U.S. to ‘not provoke Russia’ by helping Ukraine; Warns of Russian strikes on US satellites amid Ukraine war


Bloodymir Putin is full of bull-shit lah. He had been saying the use of Nuclear weapons, but until today, nothing even near to this extent has happened. How to believe this bastard?

syed putra

Bloodymir Putin is full of bull-shit lah. He had been saying the use of Nuclear weapons, but until today, nothing even near to this extent has happened. How to believe this bastard?
The nuclear threat scared the shit out of NATO european members and prevented them from assisting ukraine directly in a bigger way.
Putin should just shoot the satellites and probably remnants of that explosion will make space very risky with debris floating at 7k km per hour.


The nuclear threat scared the shit out of NATO european members and prevented them from assisting ukraine directly in a bigger way.
Putin should just shoot the satellites and probably remnants of that explosion will make space very risky with debris floating at 7k km per hour.
Don't be naive. China will be the first to oppose and also to break its support for Russia if Bloodymir Putin will shoot satellites and cause space debris because China's own satellites will also be bombarded.




Alfrescian (Inf)
It is time for WW3. Russia needs to show the West that it can't be pushed around. I am amazed by Russia's restraint when the West is arming Ukraine to the teeth.

Can the US fight two wars concurrently - one in Asia and one in Europe? Or the US will just chicken out. Americans will not want to see their sons and daughters die in a war for another country.


Super Moderator
It is time for WW3. Russia needs to show the West that it can't be pushed around. I am amazed by Russia's restraint when the West is arming Ukraine to the teeth.

Can the US fight two wars concurrently - one in Asia and one in Europe? Or the US will just chicken out. Americans will not want to see their sons and daughters die in a war for another country.
The lobbyists would be laughing all the way to the banks and realising the banks weren’t there anymore.


Putin is being too nice in keeping Zelenski alive. Also too nice in not provoking US further, but since Russian doctrine only allows using nukes in response to an attack.
They should abandon that policy immediately and nuke the border crossing where the west is funneling weapons through.


Putin is being too nice in keeping Zelenski alive. Also too nice in not provoking US further, but since Russian doctrine only allows using nukes in response to an attack.
They should abandon that policy immediately and nuke the border crossing where the west is funneling weapons through.

UKR has numerous PORUS borders that trade can go through & needs NO custom check points in the event of an emergency. How many nukes would the dumb & dumber need to fire at such borders before before being annihilated when even one nuke reaches the checkpoint to destroy it?

There is NO necessity for an ENTIRE convoy of weapons to go thru a single point on border crossings. All it needs are just ingenuity, & small packages sent, to be RE-ASSEMBLED on numerous different locations, & ready for Defense of a Sovereign Nation ratified by UN, & under protection by a 1994 treaty to PROTECT that nation by RUS, USA & its allies, but sadly, reneged & DISHONORED by RUS leaders by invading UKR.

Furthermore, WHO owns the Black Sea? Those are INTERNATIONAL WATERS determined & agreed by Humankind community thru UN for free & fair trade. WHO gave the right to RUS leaders to inspect each & every ship that sails there? WHY, WHY should Humanity be BULLIED by the few mere RUS leaders?

Perhaps every nation that has a CARRIER STRIKE FORCE group of vessels should be sent there to ENSURE Humankind's RIGHTS be upheld - free movement of vessels & trade on International vessels. Should RUS leaders continues with such INTIMIDATION, then best RUS leaders be PREPARED TO FACE CONSEQUENCES from 7 Billion strong Humankind angered, starving & facing HIGH prices over restricted/delays of FOOD & mineral resources from UKR & other nations' ports by RUS leaders' ATROCIOUS blockage of trade on the INTERNATIONAL waters of the Black Sea.

By RUS leaders refusal to honor pledges & treaties made, it only proves any agreement & documents signed by them are worthless, & to be torn immediately on the whims & fancies of RUS leaders. RUS allies best beware. RUS leaders had lost, & only FOOLS will attempt to save a sinking ship. Better RUS allies now make PLANS on the salvaging of the wreck that RUS is now - opportunities abound - with its huge wheat fields, mineral deposits, docile citizens, etc....
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In this era of high social media use littered with FAKE news, how much were those ACTORS paid to display such flags? Were they even Ukrainians or some western looking folks enjoying the high life in Bangkok or some snowy location in Amsterdam paid to pose with such flags after a few Vodka bottles drank?
Fuck off PAP lover.


UKR has numerous PORUS borders that trade can go through & needs NO custom check points in the event of an emergency. How many nukes would the dumb & dumber need to fire at such borders before before being annihilated when even one nuke reaches the checkpoint to destroy it?

There is NO necessity for an ENTIRE convoy of weapons to go thru a single point on border crossings. All it needs are just ingenuity, & small packages sent, to be RE-ASSEMBLED on numerous different locations, & ready for Defense of a Sovereign Nation ratified by UN, & under protection by a 1994 treaty to PROTECT that nation by RUS, USA & its allies, but sadly, reneged & DISHONORED by RUS leaders by invading UKR.

Furthermore, WHO owns the Black Sea? Those are INTERNATIONAL WATERS determined & agreed by Humankind community thru UN for free & fair trade. WHO gave the right to RUS leaders to inspect each & every ship that sails there? WHY, WHY should Humanity be BULLIED by the few mere RUS leaders?

Perhaps every nation that has a CARRIER STRIKE FORCE group of vessels should be sent there to ENSURE Humankind's RIGHTS be upheld - free movement of vessels & trade on International vessels. Should RUS leaders continues with such INTIMIDATION, then best RUS leaders be PREPARED TO FACE CONSEQUENCES from 7 Billion strong Humankind angered, starving & facing HIGH prices over restricted/delays of FOOD & mineral resources from UKR & other nations' ports by RUS leaders' ATROCIOUS blockage of trade on the INTERNATIONAL waters of the Black Sea.

By RUS leaders refusal to honor pledges & treaties made, it only proves any agreement & documents signed by them are worthless, & to be torn immediately on the whims & fancies of RUS leaders. RUS allies best beware. RUS leaders had lost, & only FOOLS will attempt to save a sinking ship. Better RUS allies now make PLANS on the salvaging of the wreck that RUS is now - opportunities abound - with its huge wheat fields, mineral deposits, docile citizens, etc....
You sound desperate. Tell the west to stop sending weapons to Ukraine and wind down the war or there WILL be nuclear war.


UKR has numerous PORUS borders that trade can go through & needs NO custom check points in the event of an emergency. How many nukes would the dumb & dumber need to fire at such borders before before being annihilated when even one nuke reaches the checkpoint to destroy it?

There is NO necessity for an ENTIRE convoy of weapons to go thru a single point on border crossings. All it needs are just ingenuity, & small packages sent, to be RE-ASSEMBLED on numerous different locations, & ready for Defense of a Sovereign Nation ratified by UN, & under protection by a 1994 treaty to PROTECT that nation by RUS, USA & its allies, but sadly, reneged & DISHONORED by RUS leaders by invading UKR.

Furthermore, WHO owns the Black Sea? Those are INTERNATIONAL WATERS determined & agreed by Humankind community thru UN for free & fair trade. WHO gave the right to RUS leaders to inspect each & every ship that sails there? WHY, WHY should Humanity be BULLIED by the few mere RUS leaders?

Perhaps every nation that has a CARRIER STRIKE FORCE group of vessels should be sent there to ENSURE Humankind's RIGHTS be upheld - free movement of vessels & trade on International vessels. Should RUS leaders continues with such INTIMIDATION, then best RUS leaders be PREPARED TO FACE CONSEQUENCES from 7 Billion strong Humankind angered, starving & facing HIGH prices over restricted/delays of FOOD & mineral resources from UKR & other nations' ports by RUS leaders' ATROCIOUS blockage of trade on the INTERNATIONAL waters of the Black Sea.

By RUS leaders refusal to honor pledges & treaties made, it only proves any agreement & documents signed by them are worthless, & to be torn immediately on the whims & fancies of RUS leaders. RUS allies best beware. RUS leaders had lost, & only FOOLS will attempt to save a sinking ship. Better RUS allies now make PLANS on the salvaging of the wreck that RUS is now - opportunities abound - with its huge wheat fields, mineral deposits, docile citizens, etc....

Nato dun even have ammunition liao wanna fight what?