It was reported today that RUS Iskandar missiles had been fired upon Kramatorsk residential areas killing many - men, women & kids. Many of such Iskandar missiles are stockpiled in Belarus. Had Belarus ALLOWED RUS to fire such missiles upon UKR?
If so, then the RUS war had been escalated thru the well known heavily corrupted & RUS dependent leaders of Belarus, of which such corruption do not benefit the Belarus People, but only the Belarus Leaders whom lined their pockets from RUS cash benefits, & will flee to safer shores to live out their lives while the Belarus People will suffer the consequences.
Should the Iskandar missile be fired from Belarus, it will mean Belarus is NOW a LEGITIMATE target of war. UKR People, supported by 7 Billion Humankind & the RULE of Law, have no issues or quarrels with the Belarus People and only wish them well. However UKR citizens & loved ones will need to survive, & thus the sad decision to designate Belarus a legitimate target of war, but may they be assured, it will be military targets that are earmarked, & not residential areas UNLIKE what RUS & Belarus leaders had cruelly authorized.
Furthermore, with the brutal RUS invaders held at stalemate, going nowhere after a year of invasion despite its mythical might, with unconscionable loss of precious RUS lives by HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS in short time - from the mere RUS citizens convicted of simple theft to innocent students being conscripted for this atrocious war, it is ONLY A MATTER OF TIME before even Belarus innocent youths WILL BE conscripted to become canon fodders to replace the RUS dead, as the RUS leaders have no qualms, no Humanity, no remorse to Slaughter even its own citizens for the leaders to uphold their own ego, pride & privileges.
While most Belarus citizens as well as those within the RUS Federation, prefer to keep their heads down, earn an honest living, ignore politics but only to get on with their own lives & lives of their loved ones, the current situation will NOT allow them to do so any further. Will they continue to live on knees, to be treated like dogs by their leaders whom are on a leash from barbaric RUS leaders, or STAND UP & fight for their rights, against their self serving leaders, for every value of Free Humanity that they are entitled to, as Earthborn fellow Humans do?