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[World] - 60mm mortar shells with "Chinese words" found in Ukraine


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

MindHunter :​

Russia superpower also need to indent ammunition from Taobao?

Wwiiii :​

if they write DLLM is buy from HK, if KNNBCCB, confirm is buy from SG

buffybuffy :​

好一招 ”借弹杀人”

MyWill :
Wooaah.. the insinuation is unbelievable. If someone found his wife panties labelled "made in china", he go fight green hat with bro xi?​

Libbis :
Ukr is getting deplorable. Since day 1 trying to drag everybody into a world party. They die also must drag others die. Dun fall for their tricks.​
