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Posted on 03 Sep 2010
Pedestrians create mayhem on the Causeway as thousands return from Malaysia
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So sad
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STOMPer Escapist was forced to drive cautiously to avoid hitting jay-walkers who were carelessly crossing the Causeway at Woodlands Checkpoint.
Escapist described the chaotic scene in his email (Sep 2):
"I encountered this just as I was leaving Woodlands Checkpoint and driving towards Johor Bahru.
"The traffic going towards Johor was light but the traffic coming towards Woodlands Checkpoint was at a gridlock.
"Buses from Johor had stopped at the causeway and hordes of passengers were alighting and crossing road, ignoring the double white lines in the middle of the road.
"I had to drive gingerly for fear of knocking them down.
"Merdeka Day, Malaysia's National Day, was on Aug 31 and many Malaysians were returning to Singapore after the celebrations.
"As we have thousands of Malaysians working here, the jam caused by the jay-walking of the huge crowd should have prompted our police and AETOS personnel to take immediate action.
"However, the ICA officers went about their job as if nothing new was happening.
"They could have called for police reinforcement to cope with the unusual crowd on a weekday.
"The daredevil attitude of the pedestrians as they weaved in and out of traffic posed a danger to vehicles and pedestrian alike.
"There was complete mayhem on the causeway."
Click on thumbnails for larger image
Keywords: Woodlands checkpoint , jaywalk
Pedestrians create mayhem on the Causeway as thousands return from Malaysia

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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer Escapist was forced to drive cautiously to avoid hitting jay-walkers who were carelessly crossing the Causeway at Woodlands Checkpoint.
Escapist described the chaotic scene in his email (Sep 2):
"I encountered this just as I was leaving Woodlands Checkpoint and driving towards Johor Bahru.
"The traffic going towards Johor was light but the traffic coming towards Woodlands Checkpoint was at a gridlock.
"Buses from Johor had stopped at the causeway and hordes of passengers were alighting and crossing road, ignoring the double white lines in the middle of the road.
"I had to drive gingerly for fear of knocking them down.
"Merdeka Day, Malaysia's National Day, was on Aug 31 and many Malaysians were returning to Singapore after the celebrations.
"As we have thousands of Malaysians working here, the jam caused by the jay-walking of the huge crowd should have prompted our police and AETOS personnel to take immediate action.
"However, the ICA officers went about their job as if nothing new was happening.
"They could have called for police reinforcement to cope with the unusual crowd on a weekday.
"The daredevil attitude of the pedestrians as they weaved in and out of traffic posed a danger to vehicles and pedestrian alike.
"There was complete mayhem on the causeway."
Click on thumbnails for larger image

Keywords: Woodlands checkpoint , jaywalk