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Wonder if Temasek ask MAS to ban Binance so that people will use FTX...


Alfrescian (Inf)
The more ppl use FTX, the more Temasek will huat since it is shareholder of FTX

FTX is fucked. But ultimately, Sinkies are fucked.

Temasek huat matters little to Sinkie peasants, the money does not trickle down. However, Temasek and the usual suspects will make Sinkie peasants pay up to recoup those losses. :wink:

And don't think Binance will escape unscathed. :cool:



Alfrescian (Inf)
Now you begin to understand why the PAP govt went all out to express support for Ukraine in the early days of the war. :wink:


Singapore Dancing Spirit

Technically MAS should have banned all such platforms entering into Singapore.

China banned all such cryptocurrencies…

The People's Bank of China argues that its ban on cryptocurrencies is to curtail financial crime and prevent economic instability. However, China's cryptocurrency ban comes amid fears that cryptocurrencies were facilitating capital flight from its markets, bypassing conventional restrictions.


New Member
The collapse of FTX, one of the world's largest cryptocurrency exchanges, has come as a shock to many investors. The news that the exchange had lost millions of dollars in customer funds has sent shockwaves throughout the crypto industry. Many are now wondering what caused this sudden collapse and what can be done to prevent it from happening again. As an investor, you need to know how to buy dogecoin on paypal for sure. That can make you a lot of money.
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