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women almost kill man but fine 1K


where as Sinky males kenna jail for 2 years just for being born with penis.

Home > Breaking News > Singapore > Story
Oct 21, 2008
No jail for woman
She has lernt lesson after pub row.
By Elena Chong, Courts Correspondent

Tay, who has built a successful career in sales since the 2004 attack in a pub, was yesterday fined the maximum $1,000 on appeal. -- PHOTO: LIANHE ZAOBAO
A WOMAN given a three-month jail term in July for kicking a man and hurling a beer mug at him in a pub will not need to serve time after all.

The High Court yesterday set aside the sentence against Rachelgina Jasmine Tay Siew Gek, 25, and instead fined her the maximum $1,000 for the 2004 offence.

Justice Choo Han Teck, taking note that Tay had served seven months in jail last year for an unrelated drug offence and had since begun building a career in sales, said it was counter-productive to send her back to prison, now that she was conducting herself in a way that showed she had learnt a lesson about staying on the straight and narrow.

Her lawyer Terence C.S. Teo earlier urged the court to fine his client instead so she could continue the life she had been building since her release from prison for the drug offence.

He said she had successfully undergone drug supervision.

Tay has enjoyed a rising career as a sales executive in a jewellery store over the past year, and is one of the top three performers on the job.

'Her performance for the last 10 months has been exemplary,' said Mr Teo. He added that the fight at the Zzqueeze Pub at Duxton Hill on March5, 2004, had really been among a number of men, and that his client, who was with them, had been 'misled'.

Tay, who had three other charges considered, pleaded guilty in July this year to injuring Mr Darren Herbert Fleury, then 23, with three others.

Of the trio, two have been dealt with; the case against the third person, Tay's brother, is pending.


during hearing, she give half ball for judge to see. then when she use corcodile tears tactics to gain sympathy for lighter sentence.