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Woman Overshares Her Sex Life With Close Friend Who Then Steals Her BF After Hearing About His “big penis”



Woman Overshares Her Sex Life With Close Friend Who Steals Her BF After Hearing About His “big penis”​

Published 2 hours ago
June 26, 2024
By Azri Azizan

Collage 5 3

Source: 123RF & 123RF

A woman in Taiwan, however, shared a little too much with her best friend of 10 years and revealed what exactly went on with her boyfriend. A story is King but in this case, her storytelling, which was shared on Dcard sealed her fate after she excessively shared her sex life with her best friend, whom she has known since college.

“He has the BIGGEST ONE I’ve seen!”

The woman decided to introduce her boyfriend to her best friend during dinner. Here’s when her storytelling escalated quickly.

“I knew she wanted to know about us, but I was too generous in my storytelling. I told her about our sex life, even the little details about the size of his penis. He has the biggest one I’ve ever seen.”

How big it is? Well, she had her way to describe the massive “thing” and said,

“You can’t hold it all with one hand.”

When you sell your story too much, you’re going to attract “buyers”, and little did she know, her best friend got interested in her boyfriend after listening to their private stories.

She was told by others who spotted her BFF and BF going in and out of a hotel, which baffled her.

“I was lost for words. I don’t know if I should blame my boyfriend or my best friend of 10 years. I don’t know which connection I should end. The romantic one, or the friendship.”

At the time of writing, the woman has yet to confront both of them about it. Her boyfriend and best friend are not aware that she has always known about their intimacy.

She is still considering how to handle this matter.



閨蜜私下約我男友 該怎麼辦​

閨蜜是高中認識的 感情也維持了十年以上 最近交往了一個不錯的男友 也在某次的聚餐有帶男友出來亮相一下 他算是高高帥帥也很幽默 女生基本上都會喜歡的那一種

那閨蜜們知道我新交往後 難免會想了解我們之間的事情 我也大方的分享我們的性事 小酌了以後 連他的尺寸大小持久都講出來了 我說他是我交往過最大最厲害的 基本上一直手是無法握住的那種

後來聽其他人說 有見過他們兩個單獨去開房間 我聽到超級傻眼


該為了男友斬斷聯繫多年的感情 還是閨蜜男友都一起斷一斷

早知道當初不該帶他去認識我的朋友們 現在的心情很複雜 我也還沒去戳破他們 有更好的經驗可以提供嗎