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Woman Installs Punch Card Machine To Make Sure Her Husband Returns Home Every Night


Alfrescian (Inf- Comp)
Woman Installs Punch Card Machine To Make Sure Her Husband Returns Home Every Night

"If he is about 30 minutes late, he will be fined 100 yuan (RM62).

Cover image via Radii China/Kwong Wah

A wife in China has come up with a solution after being constantly frustrated with her husband's late nights at work.

    • Her friend recently paid her a visit and discovered that the wife had installed a punch card machine... in their home.

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      Image viaKwong Wah
  • With the punch card machine in place, the woman's husband is expected to reach home by 9pm every night.
    And if he doesn't? Time is literally money for him.
    • Kwong Wah reported that if the husband reaches home early in time for dinner, he will not have to wash the dishes.

      However, if he is about 30 minutes late, he will be fined 100 yuan (RM62).

      And if he crosses the 30-minute mark, he will have to do house chores for one day over the weekend.
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      Image for illustration purposes only.
      Image viaSimon Song/SCMP
    • "If a punch card machine can manage my husband's working hours in the office, then it should work just fine for his non-working hours," the wife said, according to the report.
  • Her new system, however, has received mixed reactions from people
    • According to Kwong Wah, one person said, "It is like being deprived of freedom."

      While another commented, "Hey honey, maybe I should consider implementing this at our home too?"
  • We're not sure how well it's turned out for them. But hey, if it works, it works.