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Woman in Thailand takes taxi back to apartment, finds driver lying next to her after waking up



Woman in Thailand takes taxi back to apartment, finds driver lying next to her after waking up​

The driver was also seen playing with the her cat in the room.
By Thanawut Fasaisirinan - 3 Jul 2024, 4:54 pm

Woman in Thailand finds taxi driver lying next to her after waking up​

Upon waking up from a drunken night out, a woman in Phuket, Thailand was shocked to see the taxi driver who drove her home lying next to her inside her apartment.

The woman promptly reported the incident to the police the next day.
The taxi driver claimed that she had asked him to escort her to the room and had allowed him to enter the apartment.

He also insisted that he didn’t cause her any harm but merely played with her cat.

Woman shocked after seeing taxi driver lying next to her​

According to Phuket Times ภูเก็ตไทม์, the 25-year-old woman, known as Nan, had called a taxi via the Bolt app at around 2.01am on 1 July to take her back to her apartment in Patong after going to a farewell party.

Source: Phuket Times ภูเก็ตไทม์ on Facebook

The woman had reportedly fallen asleep during the whole ride as she was very drunk.

Upon arrival at the apartment, the woman then got out of the car and walked back to her room to sleep.

“He woke me up at 2.47am, and I left the car at 2.55am. He then drove to park his car in the car park and followed me to the room,” Nan recounted.

She also claimed she didn’t lock the door to her apartment out of habit, as her roommate would normally return to the room later than her and would be the one to lock the door.

At around 3am, she felt that another person was lying on the bed with her, so she turned on her phone for light and was shocked to see a man lying next to her.

She immediately ran to the bathroom and called her friend.
After opening the bathroom door to check on him, she realised that the man was the taxi driver who had ridden her back to the apartment.

The man allegedly lingered in her room for about 20 to 30 minutes after she called her friend, and he was seen playing with her cat.
Subsequently, he walked out of the room and drove away in his car.
The victim then promptly reported the incident to the police, according to Phuket Times ภูเก็ตไทม์.

Driver says she asked him to escort her to the room​

At 3pm on 2 July, the taxi driver, named Wasin, was summoned to meet the police at the Patong Police Station, according to Thairath.

He told the police that he didn’t do anything to the victim but only helped to carry the valuable things that she had left in his car to her room.

Wasin added that the woman had owed him 200 baht (S$7), an agreed additional fare for taking a detour.

Source: Thairath
He claimed that she had even asked if he had time to escort her back to her room, so he parked his car and followed her, carrying her belongings.
He then saw that the door wasn’t locked and had been left ajar.

When he asked her where to put her belongings, she told him to enter her room and place them at the foot of her bed, where the cat allegedly approached him to play.
Wasin said that he was playing with her cat for about five minutes when he heard her crying. He then patted her head to console her before continuing to play with the cat.

Later on, the woman got up and walked to the bathroom.
He was afraid that if he left at that moment and she found something missing, she would think that he was a thief, so he decided to wait for her to come out.

After she came out, they then chatted about the cat.

She then thanked him and told him to leave. He left without insisting on the additional fare, as he found her to be very drunk.
Wasin confirmed that he didn’t do anything sexual to her and wanted to apologise to her about entering the room without checking how drunk she was. However, the woman insisted on pursuing legal action against him, accusing him of trespassing at night.

Further investigations are ongoing.

Vlad Tepes

Do not be alarmed. This is called "going above and beyond". and "make yourself at home". No pussies were penetrated in this making.