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Woman Has Massive Meltdown At Shanghai Disneyland When She Was Not Allowed Back In Queue After She Leaves Line To Go Toilet



Woman Has Massive Meltdown At Shanghai Disneyland When She Was Not Allowed Back In Queue After She Leaves Line To Go Toilet​

She was told she would have to wait more than five hours after rejoining the line for a ride.
Bryan Wong
Bryan Wong
01 Oct 2024 at 22:07

For many, Disneyland is the happiest place on earth.

But for a Mainland Chinese visitor to the Shanghai Disneyland Park, it was hell.

The woman had been queuing up for ride when she left the line to use the restroom.

According to the park’s policy, she was issued a “toilet card” by a staff member which states the time of departure, location and position in line.

Visitors are required to return within 20 minutes or forfeit their spot in the queue.

The woman allegedly returned after 16 minutes but was told she had to go to the back of the line.

In a video that has since gone viral, the woman is seen wailing loudly, even kneeling and lying on the ground, after being told that she might have to wait more than five hours.

Yikes! We would have broken down too.

Netizens took to the comments empathising with the woman, with one commenting such rules might not be practical for females, children, and the elderly.

“In a crowded theme park like Disneyland, it is near impossible to return within 20 minutes, especially if they have to queue for the restroom,” read the comment.

Another netizen also chastised the park for making paying visitors follow strict rules.

However, some felt that the park’s policy was fair and saw it as necessity to maintain order and ensure a fair experience for visitors.

We hear the somewhat nearby Hong Kong Disneyland is now a ghost town with none of the snaking queues seen at her sister parks.

Worth a visit to avoid the crowds and use the loo in peace?


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