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Winter Olimpaik in Xinjiang....


CAQ loongi can go there to see some lands to lease from China for 200 years....

BRI going to grab 80% freights to Europe use rails.... Bye bye Malacca Straits sea freights..


syed putra

From China, goods must be transferred to another train in kazakhstan because of different gauge.and transferred again in Europe because of different gauge.
Plus only one way most of the time.no dual track.


The Xinjiang internment camps, officially called vocational education and training centers by the government of China, are internment camps operated by the government of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and its Chinese Communist Party provincial committee.


CAQ loongi can go there to see some lands to lease from China for 200 years....

BRI going to grab 80% freights to Europe use rails.... Bye bye Malacca Straits sea freights..

You do know that a single container ship carries around 20,000, to 22,000 containers right? A single stacked train would have to be over 300 km long to even carry the equivalent of one container ship... There isn't anyway that rail freight could ever replace sea freight.


You do know that a single container ship carries around 20,000, to 22,000 containers right? A single stacked train would have to be over 300 km long to even carry the equivalent of one container ship... There isn't anyway that rail freight could ever replace sea freight.
Ship carry consigment containers and ship from port to port. And that's different. It don't ship one port to one port only.

China must have figure out rail route shipment not for discussion here. Go figure out to get info.