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Chitchat Will you get covid after recovering from other non covid viral infection?


I just recovered from non covid viral infection last week and immediately been exposed highly to covid environment.
Worry to get sick again but so far seems like immune. Wonder is it work this way? Immune to any virus for now?


depends on how many shots of the poison you have taken? That shit creates spikes in your body that make you sick - ie, long term covid


Alfrescian (Inf)
Spoiler alert: there was no 'Covid'.

If you're one of the 95% Sinkie vaxtards, your immunity is destroyed and you become susceptible to anything.



There was never a Covid until you defined it as one. There were also no existence of viruses. It was your authority who have been lying to you. Have you demand for accountability from them?

What are your symptoms than just a normal flu and cough? If you have much severe symptoms than that, yes that is radiation poisoning aka Covid


Spoiler alert: there was no 'Covid'.

If you're one of the 95% Sinkie vaxtards, your immunity is destroyed and you become susceptible to anything.

Long before Covid existed, always kena flu over the years symptoms keep changing old medicine useless thanks to foreign cunts imported by PAP


If you are jabbed, it is inevitable that you will get Covid everytime. You don’t catch a disease from someone. Contagion is a hoax if you are a critical thinker.

If you are a sheeple, you are likely to believe someone passes a disease to you without any scientific proof


Long before Covid existed, always kena flu over the years symptoms keep changing old medicine useless thanks to foreign cunts imported by PAP
Having a flu is just a detoxification symptom. You need to tell what toxin that you have consumed. Western medicine doesn’t help much than suppressing symptoms which gives you an illusion that you have been cured by that medication. Panadol is just one of the suppressing medications that the health authority asked the sheeple to take when they contracted covid because it doesn’t eradicate the viruses because viruses didn’t exist. It merely suppresses the symptoms to make the sheeple feel good


You should know if you believe in a virus, who does it benefit? If one don’t believe in virus nonsense, who will be panic when the hoax is being exposed?

The answer is obvious but majority who are the sheeple falls for the scam lol


The insignificant nobody me is NOT a medical doctor, thus I am not qualified to answer your question. It would be best to talk to a few doctors, in order to get a grasp of the COV situation.

All that I can do is to share experiences, with a fellow Human & citizen...

COVid 19 & its various permutations & variations, are of the COV family line that had LONG existed even before Humankind existed. Throughout Human history, it had been known by many names across nations & culture states, such as the plague, black death, etc throughout our World, from Europe to China as recorded history had proven, by its often similar symptoms.

It is a force of Nature, exists within Nature, and NO mortal has the ability to win against Nature, only to ADAPT to it. To wipe out COV, not even draconian China that boasted of such aims but only eventually saw its citizens & economy suffered from such foolishness...

Current modern science advancements had microscopically IDENTIFIED the COV virus - thru the various SPIKES that this virus has that latches upon the Human cell in attempt to take over it & replicate it, mutating the Human cell for its own survival thru replication of cells.

Fortunately, the Human body has its own immune system - T & B cells to destroy the virus, & acts as a shut down switch to prevent the virus from further replication, to raise the body temperature till organ failure occurs, to destroy BOTH the host ( Human ) & virus which cannot exists in Human body above 38C, before the virus can spread further with its harmful mutation to others.

COV affects mostly those whose immune system had been weaken, by birth, aged or neglect. It is often these that suffer the worst & may even face death.

For majority that are not of the 'at risk' groups, the Human Immune system would be able to battle the virus, but it MUST be with help from the Human host - enough sleep, rationally moderate exercise & proper diet.

Very often, due to the stresses & pressures of daily living to put food on the table for loved ones, one's personal health especially our Immune system regeneration is neglected. Thus many get re - infected again & again.

So if one does not want to get re-infected with the COV virus, the best is to take care of one's immune system, especially for those whom are not at the 'at risk' group.

For those whom are within the 'at risk' group, COV is often the killer. Thus they will have to make the decision to seek further medical help to help enhance their immune system, & know the therapies needed such as isolation, masks, etc to stay alive, even if it is only a bit longer as no mortal lives forever.....
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Alfrescian (Inf)
If you are jabbed, it is inevitable that you will get Covid everytime. You don’t catch a disease from someone. Contagion is a hoax if you are a critical thinker.

If you are a sheeple, you are likely to believe someone passes a disease to you without any scientific proof

It's actually those not safe and not effective bioweapon shots destroying your body from within.

Dumbasses think they 'got Covid' because they are still using those fraudulent test kits and believe those magical lines that appear on them are meaningful. :rolleyes:

Idiot, basic level: vaxxed but remorseful and repentant.

Idiot, intermediate level: vaxxed but still believe in the 'safe and effective' nonsense, gets tested at the slightest sniffle.

Idiot, advanced level: vaxxed and a believer, gets tested regularly as part of a 'wellness' regimen, still wearing a mask in 2024.


The insignificant nobody me is NOT a medical doctor, thus I am not qualified to answer your question. It would be best to talk to a few doctors, in order to get a grasp of the COV situation.

All that I can do is to share experiences, with a fellow Human & citizen...

COVid 19 & its various permutations & variations, are of the COV family line that had LONG existed even before Humankind existed. Throughout Human history, it had been known by many names across nations & culture states, such as the plague, black death, etc throughout our World, from Europe to China as recorded history had proven, by its often similar symptoms.

It is a force of Nature, exists within Nature, and NO mortal has the ability to win against Nature, only to ADAPT to it. To wipe out COV, not even draconian China that boasted of such aims but only eventually saw its citizens & economy suffered from such foolishness...

Current modern science advancements had microscopically IDENTIFIED the COV virus - thru the various SPIKES that this virus has that latches upon the Human cell in attempt to take over it & replicate it, mutating the Human cell for its own survival thru replication of cells.

Fortunately, the Human body has its own immune system - T & B cells to destroy the virus, & acts as a shut down switch to prevent the virus from further replication, to raise the body temperature till organ failure occurs, to destroy BOTH the host ( Human ) & virus which cannot exists in Human body above 38C, before the virus can spread further with its harmful mutation to others.

COV affects mostly those whose immune system had been weaken, by birth, aged or neglect. It is often these that suffer the worst & may even face death.

For majority that are not of the 'at risk' groups, the Human Immune system would be able to battle the virus, but it MUST be with help from the Human host - enough sleep, rationally moderate exercise & proper diet.

Very often, due to the stresses & pressures of daily living to put food on the table for loved ones, one's personal health especially our Immune system regeneration is neglected. Thus many get re - infected again & again.

So if one does not want to get re-infected with the COV virus, the best is to take care of one's immune system, especially for those whom are not at the 'at risk' group.

For those whom are within the 'at risk' group, COV is often the killer. Thus they will have to make the decision to seek further medical help to help enhance their immune system, & know the therapies needed such as isolation, masks, etc to stay alive, even if it is only a bit longer as no mortal lives forever.....
When you know you cannot demonstrate the science using scientific methods that you are preaching, you are talking nonsense.