Same as 5 eye.... change their evil doing history, ban books in education of evil BE doing no educator supposed to mentioned and teach about it.
Ask the Pommies who knows about BE opium trade war with China today...
1 century of ban Chinese entry Exclusion Act 1864.... ask the US gov whats this about......
Ask US gov was Bell Corporation Altantic Ocean cabling from UK to US was from opium money in China....
Princeton Uni, Colombia uni and many more unis or Havard Uni were built from illegal opium trade profit money in China....
Ask about the Bible book. Was Jesus born from virgin womb.... was this high priest Jesus NOT son of God but the 3rd messanic revolution leader trying to topple the Romans Empire with his Isaiah 52 prediction which did not come true....
Was the King James Bible book co written by Shakespeares and Francis Bacon...
Did Jesus died at age 33 or at age 63. Was Jesus one of the prince in England monarchy he married a Princess in England..... and killed at the spot where the St Paul Cathedral was build....
see if they tell you the truth of all these.....
What rubbish truth u want to know... F4LW dickhead...