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Why Syed prohibit hui costume in Southeast Asia?


These hui girls look Underfed despite all that toast lamb, kebabs and naan they eat.
Not really usually those reveal hair eat non halal food as long no pork but most of the non halal chink foods are contaminated with pork lard.

Btw, is it because the costume reveal hair so it is prohibited or it suit fair skin gals only?


The fairy tale is, syed are from yemen. So called descendants of prophet mahomet. But who knows. So many syeds especially from india.
Thanks for the info. Then go and manufacture more hui costumes esp the dress but I dunno I think it suit fairer skin gals. Or u go convert all sinkie. Msian chink Chio bu is mine.


Can lah, the Hui XMM Dare not to take non halal juice
They do take like this one okay. As long no pork. Why so fancy abt big boobs sometimes small perky boobs are sexy too. She is flexible and look how she dance. Dancer usually ride well and can do splits and can bend well for doggy.