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why no pe candidate say will take $1 as salary and donate all salary throughout presidental term to charity?


all greedy candidates
already accumulated so much wealth in their career now still.want millions year after year during presidency
all disgusting people


Got lah last time tan kin lian said he will donate all his salary but yet he received the lowest votes.
There are many candidates out there that would even willing to pay money instead of receiving salary to become president for glory just that they doesn't qualify.


Got lah last time tan kin lian said he will donate all his salary but yet he received the lowest votes.
There are many candidates out there that would even willing to pay money instead of receiving salary to become president for glory just that they doesn't qualify.
Enjoy free hotel in Istana ?


Compare to George Goh, why Tan Kin Lian don't have the look and vocal charisma? At least he should get his teeth fixed and clean up.

Mr Goh has more speech power and can see logic in thinking... Lao Tan ish like suka suka anyhow shoot