It's interesting because it very accurately reflects Korean society making a connection with most commoners and just like a lot of their award winning shows, it is good entertainment that audiences can feel a kindred spirit and relate to. The positive side to this is you could say Koreans dare to air their dirty laundry publicly and have a high degree of freedom to express artistically (much higher than even US that has many social OB markers that Hollywood needs to self-censor).
Unfortunately, the Korean entertainment industry is not short of great works that reflect a very dark and desperate social divide plaguing the country. Yet, year after year, life simply goes on without any improvements. Such popular and controversial works usually stir a fury of discussions on what has gone wrong, how to improve, who can do it etc. But after a few weeks it will die a natural death as people realize the Chaebols are still the Chaebols, the sleazy politicians are still the same swamp and middle and lower income class sink ever deeper into debts and solitude.
There were high hopes among many Koreans that Moon Jae In would finally take on the Chaebols and ruling elite class and shake things up. Unfortunately, from the looks of things it looks more likely he's gonna join the ranks of ex-presidents who met a bad end.