hello teekee...u again! go under the bodhi tree and meditate...reflect,contemplate and may you see some light!
don't start your flaming nonsense once again.not good for you.
Do you know how boring eternal life is? No pain, no tears, no illness, no death, no tomorrow, no beginning, no ending, no nothing to look forward to because you have the whole eternity to do whatever you want to do, over and over and over and over and over again! You can't even die and put an end to your eternal life!
i am telling the truth, whether it is good for me, it is not of my or your concern or relevant...
okay.irrelevant....but what u've written here or posted here,everyone has the right to reply...so if u don't want people to respond to your "truth",hide in the closet and spout there. thank you. cheers!
can i stop you from replying? of course no!
aiyah i can't also stop u from writing and propagating your faith. but god's sake, stop condemning other religions lah....you believe in your god good.be a god-fearing person. u don't have to humilate and mock at other peoples' beliefs.
i am not humilating lah, just telling you guys to believe in the right God....lah....why should i harm you? i don't benefit from it!
When Jesus reprimands Mary, calling her "woman" (gunai) rather than "mother" (meter), He implies that He is not conforming to her authority but acting under His Heavenly Father's authority. This statement establishes that Mary, even as His physical mother, has no authority over Jesus, destroying any belief that urges us to pray to Mary to intercede for us. On the two occasions in which Mary is seen intruding in His ministry—here and in Matthew 12:46-50—Jesus verbally moves her aside. His rebuke censures her assumption of authority she does not have. She also seems to lack the humility with which we must go to God with our requests.
most likely you don't even feel bored at all....![]()
can i stop you from replying? of course no!
i am not humilating lah, just telling you guys to believe in the right God....lah....why should i harm you? i don't benefit from it!