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Posted on 08 Mar 2010
Menu states $4.50 for seafood horfun, but I was charged $6 for it
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer Looi was unhappy that he was charged $6 for a plate of seafood horfun even though the menu stated that it costs $4.50. Apparently, the eatery claimed that the $4.50 price was only available during lunch time.
The STOMPer told us in an email today (Mar 8):
"It was clearly reflected $4.50 for seafood horfun yet this eatery in Bukit Timah wanted to collect $6 from me and they claimed that the $4.50 price was only available during their lunch time promo.
"Worse still, they actually have two different pricing menus to mislead people and they even said the portion that they served during the lunch time promo was different from the normal one and that explains the price difference!
"My friend and I were actually pointing to the $4.50 pricing menu when our orders were taken!
"I felt that they were dishonest and had the intention to cheat and mislead consumers."
Keywords: menu , meal , misleading , cheating
Menu states $4.50 for seafood horfun, but I was charged $6 for it

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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer Looi was unhappy that he was charged $6 for a plate of seafood horfun even though the menu stated that it costs $4.50. Apparently, the eatery claimed that the $4.50 price was only available during lunch time.
The STOMPer told us in an email today (Mar 8):
"It was clearly reflected $4.50 for seafood horfun yet this eatery in Bukit Timah wanted to collect $6 from me and they claimed that the $4.50 price was only available during their lunch time promo.
"Worse still, they actually have two different pricing menus to mislead people and they even said the portion that they served during the lunch time promo was different from the normal one and that explains the price difference!
"My friend and I were actually pointing to the $4.50 pricing menu when our orders were taken!
"I felt that they were dishonest and had the intention to cheat and mislead consumers."
Keywords: menu , meal , misleading , cheating