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Why is There a Surge in Molest Cases in Public Transport? Is This Quality Living?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Overall crime situation in 2012 improved but molest on buses, trains a concern
By Leong Wai Kit | Posted: 06 February 2013 1128 hrs
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SINGAPORE: The number of cases involving outrage of modesty rose last year, though the overall crime situation improved, with cases involving housebreaking, violent property crimes and murder falling to a 20-year low.

According to the latest crime statistics from the police, there were 596 housebreaking crimes in 2012 - down from 706 in 2011.

For violent property crimes - which includes robbery, voluntarily causing hurt and kidnapping - the number of cases dropped from 443 in 2011 to 391 in 2012.

The last time housebreaking and violent property crimes saw such low figures was in 2011.

The number of murder cases fell from 16 in 2011 to 11 in 2012.

Police said overall, the total number of crime cases reported last year fell two per cent to 30,868 cases.

Other improvements included a significant drop in harassment cases involving unlicensed money lending. The number of cases fell by 2,788 or 24 per cent to 8,988 in 2012.

But police also highlighted some areas of concern, one of them being outrage of modesty on buses and trains.

Last year, the number jumped by 39 cases to 153, a 34 per cent rise from 2011.

Police said they have patrolled train network and bus interchanges regularly.

Superintendent Raymond Chong, who is the Singapore Police Force's assistant director for community involvement, said: "Police have been increasing our public education efforts, we have been putting up public-education posters on buses and trains to remind the public to be more vigilant against such crimes."

The figures did not come as a surprise to the Association of Women for Action & Research (AWARE). A spokesperson said Singapore is becoming an increasingly sexualised society.

She said AWARE has seen sexual violence increase across the board, from workplace sexual harassment to rape.

"If you happen to be an unfortunate victim of outrage of modesty, please call for help, try to attract as much attention as possible, so that we can get members of public to help detain the perpetrator and call for police," Superintendent Raymond Chong advised.

- CNA/ck/ir


Overall crime situation in 2012 improved but molest on buses, trains a concern
By Leong Wai Kit | Posted: 06 February 2013 1128 hrs

But police also highlighted some areas of concern, one of them being outrage of modesty on buses and trains.
Last year, the number jumped by 39 cases to 153, a 34 per cent rise from 2011.

- CNA/ck/ir

What the police conveniently left out is the racial breakdown of the offenders. Furthermore, does not the upswing in molest cases coincide with the uncontrolled inflow of foreigners?
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What the police conveniently left out is the racial breakdown of the offenders. Furthermore, does not the upswing in molest cases coincide with the uncontrolled inflow of foreigners?

Racial breakdown for what? So you can condemn the race that makes up majority of molestors?

What if the majority of molestors is made up of singaporean chinese? Isnt that very likely because they form the biggest ethnic group in singapore?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
More molest cases in buses and trains last year

More molest cases in buses and trains last year


By Karen Ng
My Paper
Thursday, Feb 07, 2013

SINGAPORE - She had been riding the train to work on the East-West Line two weeks ago when the train pulled into Paya Lebar MRT station.

When Ms Amy Ho, 50 , stood sideways to allow other commuters to alight, she felt someone touch her chest. Ms Ho, who works part-time at a hair salon in Redhill, said: "I wanted to scream, but I was too shocked."

Before she could react, she had lost sight of the offender in the crowds.

Police said that more outrage- of-modesty cases were reported on board buses and trains last year, an increase of 34 per cent to 153 cases, compared to 2011. The previous year, the figure stood at 114 cases.

This was revealed in the Annual Crime Brief 2012 report released by the police yesterday.

Public Transport Council president Gerard Ee said that the rise in molestation cases on board buses and trains is likely due to the public-transport system being more crowded.

He told My Paper: "If there are more people in trains and buses, there might be occasions when people brush against each other.

"People may get irritated and decide to report it to the police, especially if the (accused) did not apologise."

The police said public-education materials, such as posters, banners and advertorials, have been prominently put up in places with large crowds, such as train stations and bus stops.

Women's-rights group Aware said it is "very concerned" by the rise in molestation cases on board buses and trains because it is "a big jump".

Aware's executive director, Ms Corinna Lim, said: "In cases that Aware has seen...cases of sexual violence such as sexual assault, rape and molestation have risen across the board."

She added: "The burden falls on all of us to become a more civilised society so that cases of sexual harassment will be reduced."

Spokesmen for transport operators SMRT and SBS Transit advise passengers whose modesty had been outraged to report the matter immediately to staff on duty or by calling the police.

Figures in the report also showed that outrage-of-modesty cases reported here increased by 1 per cent or 18 cases from 1,396 cases in 2011 to 1,414 cases last year.

Other findings include a rise in the total amount of money cheated from people in lucky-draw phone scams, increasing by about $1 million to $7.4 million last year. This was despite a slight drop in the number of such cases reported.

Overall crime reported last year dropped by 2 per cent to 30,868 cases, from 31,508 cases in 2011.

The number of murder cases, housebreaking and related crimes, as well as violent property crimes, dropped to their lowest in 20 years, said the report.



Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: More molest cases in buses and trains last year

With an increase in population, only an idiot will expect molest cases to drop. I am interested in knowing how many were committed by FTs.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: More molest cases in buses and trains last year

With an increase in population, only an idiot will expect molest cases to drop. I am interested in knowing how many were committed by FTs.

They won't release the figure if its disadvantages to the FTs. Singaporeans are now fourth class citizens.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
lianbeng noted many people nowadays watch jepun av chihan 痴汉 on trains/buses so wana try lor! :biggrin: maybe they imagine bogay tua nehneh ahlian lor!
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lianbeng noted many people nowadays watch jepun av chihan 痴汉 on trains/buses so wana try lor! :biggrin: maybe they imagine bogay tua nehneh ahlian lor!

Exactly. Singkies are getting more immoral nowadays, thats the problem.
I suggest you fellas stop watching porn from now onwards.