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Why is the PAP so ambivalent about the idea of being led by Tharman Shanmugaratnam?


The real issue with Tharman may be the colour of his politics, and not his skin. More than any other minister, he has an appetite for progressive reforms. Ironically, his social initiatives addressing households’ economic insecurity were probably the most important policy-related reason why the PAP did so well in the 2015 election. (Another key factor, the tidal wave of sentiment following the death of Lee Kuan Yew, was an unplanned, one-off act of god.) But soon after, he was moved into a coordinating minister role, losing his finance portfolio to Heng.

The PAP has always taken pride in its adroit navigation of global tides. If it were to apply that skill to the succession question, it might appreciate the competitive edge that Tharman offers Singapore at this moment in history. Neoliberalism is wearing thin; citizens across the developed world are rebelling against elites and expertise, and finding false hope in identity politics; polarised politics is preventing publics from working for the common good; populism is drowning out sensible solutions to complex problems.

To the extent that any one leader can make a difference, Tharman is the man for these times. He is a world-class policy wonk who also happens to be extremely popular. He has won over the public, not with empty rhetoric or simplistic solutions, but through his palpable sincerity in wanting to build a country where people are treated with dignity and met at the point of their need, whether those needs are economic or more intangible. Some Singaporeans say picking a non-Chinese leader would be a triumph of imagination. On the contrary, if the PAP doesn’t take advantage of Tharman’s unique capacities, it’s not its imagination that should be questioned, but its grasp of reality.

More at
Singapore’s mystifying political succession


Alfrescian (Inf)
It’s not the PAP. It’s Pinky.

Anyone with a little intelligence must know that Tharman will emerge a much better PM than that useless faggot. Why allow oneself to be compared to a superior chap?


Alfrescian (Inf)
heartland hokkien peng sinkies don’t like shitskins. go go jo. having kpi of 6.9k foreign students signing up for pr is quite an achievement. pm material. :p


Alfrescian (Inf)
It’s not the PAP. It’s Pinky.

Anyone with a little intelligence must know that Tharman will emerge a much better PM than that useless faggot. Why allow oneself to be compared to a superior chap?

You are spot on! Selfish and egoistic Pinky only cares about protectng his own legacy so that Tharman has no chance to upstage and outperform him which will surely be the case if Tharman replaces him as PM. Pinky has no stature and respect on the world stage ! Can't even hold a candle next to Tharman!


Lieutenant General
Brutally harsh but true



You are spot on! Selfish and egoistic Pinky only cares about protectng his own legacy so that Tharman has no chance to upstage and outperform him which will surely be the case if Tharman replaces him as PM. Pinky has no stature and respect on the world stage ! Can't even hold a candle next to Tharman!

Below pic says it all about what kinda impression Pinky made on the POTUS

Trump's Instagram post says: “President Trump and the President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo speaking before the start of their bilateral at the #G20Summit in Hamburg, Germany. #USA” Of course, don’t forget #USA and the American flag."

Pinky and Trump.jpg


It’s not the PAP. It’s Pinky.

Anyone with a little intelligence must know that Tharman will emerge a much better PM than that useless faggot. Why allow oneself to be compared to a superior chap?

fren; you're not a scholar for sure.... but with a few lines you sum up well all the problems we're facing today...

the SPF will need more people like you


Maybe he doesn't want the job. It is a rather thankless one. Current PM hasn't inspired a generation of children to dream "when I grow up, I wanna be PM of Singapore..." unlike senior Lee.


Alfrescian (Inf)
fren; you're not a scholar for sure.... but with a few lines you sum up well all the problems we're facing today...

the SPF will need more people like you

Haha! Tqvm.

I left out another point earlier. Harder to ‘manage’ Tharman compared to CCS.

Pinky wants complete control even after he steps down and Tharman is not The Best Bet. Just too many skeletons in the cupboard.


Silly replies. Whoever lets Loong stay on in PMO as Senior Minister with his entourage will get to be new PM. Obviously Tharman selfish wants it all by himself no? :mad:


Alfrescian (Inf)
They see shadows of Ong Teng Cheong in Tharman?

They see Ong Teng Cheong & all the past presidents, excluding the 'dark bloob' prataman & KFC Toni, in their nightmares, especially OTC. They see the reflection of their 'sins' in Tharman shinning plate...he is now known as the "shining". At, all cost they must avoid a freak result that he will become the PM one day. Ever since, that "Indian" became a Malay, that kebun macik of a president; an Indian PM or a Malay one shouldn't be a problem; unless it is reviewed by a troop of 'baboons'.


darkie still refuses to make a security guard compulsory for all banks even after Holland village robbery. No, I dont want him


Alfrescian (Inf)
Another post assuming PAP will always be in power.
If he is a man for these times, world-class policy wonk ,extremely popular,won over the public, and sincere in wanting to build a country where people are treated with dignity and met at the point of their need ect2, why not form his own political party and contest the election.
JBJ could have a comfortable life in the Legal service as District Judge, Registrar of the Supreme Court ect2 and not take risk and be sued bankrupt ect2.
When a person join an oppressive ruling party and earn the highest political salaries in the world -it says very much about him/her .