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Why being a teacher in Singapore was the most terrible mistake I have made


I have procrastinated quite a fair bit before this entry. Well, I guess I will just do an entry about the most irksome job I have had which pulled the trigger on my migration plan to Canada. I had wanted to write to MOE when I resigned last year about the misfits and frustrations I felt as a teacher, but I hesitated and eventually, I didn't. I am glad I hadn't, else further investigation would have probed another teary face. I am not going to start a list on how much I hated being in this job, I just want to share my experience with aspiring teachers so they could think twice before signing on the dotted line. To teachers who are still in service, you definitely have my respect. May your passion never dies, and continue to serve you well ahead.

I did not grow up to love teaching, I joined teaching because I thought it was an iron bowl and a stable career with minimal politics, not knowing I will grow to hate it so much 7 years later.

During my years in NIE, my classmates (most of whom have left the service) and I had an awesome time together. We were so young, and so passionate about the job and thrilled by the differences we are able to make upon graduation. During our teaching practicum, it was apparent that teaching was one of the most fulfilling and rewarding job. I happened to take over this P4 Foundation Chinese Class for 10 weeks. It was 10 long weeks but one of the fondest memory I have of teaching. The class was made up of children who were struggling with Chinese Language and some of the students have special needs. I was originally deterred by the class profile and was not confident that I could manage them well. My mentor was very patient with me and she shared with me so many teaching methodologies which helped me in my later years. I remembered this kid came up to me and gave me a hand- drawn card after my practicum, she couldn't grasp the pen very well due to her medical condition, but I could see the effort she put in to piece the wordings together. Along with her card, I received several other cards detailing their heart- felt words and pictures of me drawn all over. It was one of the most heart- warming moment of my life. I miss these kids, who probably don't remember me anymore, even till today.

Good things doesn't last, they say.

More at https://www.domainofexperts.com/2014/07/why-being-teacher-in-singapore-was-most.html


Old Fart
I pity today's teachers. Most kids these days are fucked up, because their parents from the strawberry generation are also. Teachers have lost their authority to whack, slap and cane students. Really no fun being a teacher.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
can still go back to school to upgrade. either take the long road and work her way to a degree in medicine or seize the shortcut and becum i.t. sexpert with degree from uptron.


Imuho onlee ter nao person go for real actions in school. Smarter ones will go moe orfid to be leechers.