IQ - "it measures mathematics, analysis and problem solving ability. Attempts have been made to make it applicable across cultures, although such psychological tests are inherently Westernized and will never be able to measure an entirety of person’s brain power.
None of these IQ aptitudes are ‘set in stone’ – all are skills that can be learnt and developed. Importantly, IQ testing makes no account of equally important qualities like ‘emotional intelligence‘ and creativity. "
With education and proper traininging you can score a good IQ result but that does not still equal to intelligence, How would a person who is not educated but considered smart by his peers/community take an IQ test. Further more, don't confuse education with intelligence.
Intelligence itself is an extremely subjective matter.
P.s IQ have long been debunk as an accurate way of measuring a person's intelligence.
--Compare Singapore IQ with Malaysia IQ and its education system, All those who rank high have an Advance education system with low Illiteracy rate.*The citizens of this countries have already 3 to 5 generations that have gone thru its education system.