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Why Are Sporeans Second Least Satisfied Globally?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Sex brings partners closer emotionally: survey
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SINGAPORE: The latest Global Sexual Wellbeing survey shows sex brings partners closer emotionally.

Seventy-eight per cent of female respondents and 68 per cent of male respondents feel that sex brings them closer to their partners.

Men in Singapore also appear to have a softer side than men in Asian countries like Indonesia, China and Taiwan.

Fifty-seven per cent of men felt that the emotional and psychological aspects of sex are just as important to men as it is to women.

Sixty-six per cent of men and 72 per cent of women felt loved by their partners during sex.

These are some of the findings from the latest Global Sexual Wellbeing survey conducted by Durex to understand consumers sexual attitudes and behaviours.

On sexual satisfaction, respondents in Singapore seem hard to please.

Singapore scored a national average of 58 per cent, making them the second least satisfied country globally.

Fifty-four per cent of men felt satisfied with their partners when it comes to sexual pleasure while 62 per cent of women claimed their partners are good at providing sexual pleasure.

506 people took part in the survey.

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