• IP addresses are NOT logged in this forum so there's no point asking. Please note that this forum is full of homophobes, racists, lunatics, schizophrenics & absolute nut jobs with a smattering of geniuses, Chinese chauvinists, Moderate Muslims and last but not least a couple of "know-it-alls" constantly sprouting their dubious wisdom. If you believe that content generated by unsavory characters might cause you offense PLEASE LEAVE NOW! Sammyboy Admin and Staff are not responsible for your hurt feelings should you choose to read any of the content here.

    The OTHER forum is HERE so please stop asking.

Why are most people here racists


What are the main reasons of racism?
I have never been subjected to racism to date here, there, everywhere - probably because I am the best looking guy around.
Why is it that I have never looked down on another person.
In fact when I see a Chinese, Indian, Malay, African, Aboriginal, etc, etc being subjected to racism I try to find out why.

One recent example also given in the forum is of the Yindian student in Waterloo.

The reasons usually are as follows from a website.
These reasons seem to apply to all those here. lol

Explanations for Racism​

As more attention is being given to the racism ingrained in our society, many more people are seeking explanations for it. Is it survival of the fittest, or a psychological defense mechanism to help people identify with a primary group and feel more secure? Below is a list of possible psychological explanations for why racism exists.

1. Personal Insecurity​

It's true that those who lack an identity and struggle with insecurity may seek group membership.

Rusch H. The evolutionary interplay of intergroup conflict and altruism in humans: A review of parochial altruism theory and prospects for its extension. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 2014;281(1794). doi:10.1098/rspb.2014.1539
Consequently, after finding a group, members of the group may start to alienate non-group members. Sometimes, hostility arises toward those people who have been alienated.

While in a clique, people tend to think and behave more like the people they surround themselves with. It becomes much easier to attack others when you're among people who share the same viewpoint.

Racism comes in when groups are formed based on characteristics like race, bolstered by beliefs of superiority, and supported by systems of oppression.

2. Lack of Compassion​

Alienation of others eventually leads to less compassion for those who have been ostracized. People begin to only show compassion and empathy for those they regularly associate with.

Consider, for example, television segments asking viewers to donate to causes that support food security for families in Africa. These messages may be easier for a person to dismiss if they don't identify with the group or culture in need. This dismissal may or may not be overt racism, but it begins with a lack of empathy.

3. Projection of Flaws​

When people feel bad about themselves or recognize their shortcomings, instead of dealing with them and trying to fix them, they may project their self-loathing onto others. Alienated groups can easily become scapegoats for those who ignore their own personal flaws.

4. Poor Mental Health​

Is racism a sign of poor mental health? Not necessarily, but it can be. For example, paranoid personality disorder and narcissism are both mental health disorders that are characterized in part by feelings of insecurity, which may make a person more likely to hold racist beliefs or engage in racist behaviors.

But it's important to recognize that racist beliefs and actions are certainly not limited to people with mental health disorders.

5. Hatred and Fear​

Extreme hatred is almost always based on fear. People may feel threatened by people they view as "different" or "foreign." They may fear losing power. To combat this fear, some people may seek social support from others with similar fears, perpetuating the cycle.
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Poor Grandma is really suffering from mental health problems.
She probably has had no interactions with the Dodis but just a fear of seeing more of them triggered hate and fear which multiplies when linked to poor mental health. Just look at her. One glance at a person I will be able to tell everything about him/her 99% of the time.

The best place to go find out about this episode is to refer to a Yindian newspaper.

The racism is not only against the Yindians, but also the Muslims, blacks, etc. But strangely the the forumers here have no voice about the rampant racism the Chinese face in Australia, NZ, Canada, the USA, England, etc etc
Then I tried to link these factors to the people here and I see a totally compatible link between the Explanation for Racism and the forumers here.

Most of them here suffer from some form of mental diseas

‘Go back to India’: Indian-origin Canadian shares racist encounter in Waterloo​

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The old woman must be in her early eighties and she still has intense hate in her heart and never learned anything in her life.
Imagine how she must have treated the Aboriginals during her miserable life on Earth.
How will she face the afterlife?

Now from a Kanadian news leeport

Concerns of 'hateful racism' after Ontario man's video of woman ranting about people from India goes viral​

Ashwin Annamalai files police report after WRPS reached out to him, politicians condemn remarks in video​


A Waterloo, Ont., man is speaking out after his video of a woman ranting about the South Asian community went viral.

Ashwin Annamalai said he used his cellphone to record the woman after she gave him the middle finger, an action he said was unprovoked, while he was out for a walk on Tuesday evening.

Annamalai said that after he confronted the woman to ask what he had done to deserve the gesture, she went on about how Indian people are invading Canada.

In the video, she's heard saying, "Indians are taking over Canada" and "go back to India."

Annamalai said these types of interactions have become common for him and his friends, with some escalating to physical violence, which is why he chose to record the conversation.

"It's happened before and every time it happens, I'm shocked and taken aback at the state at which the community is deteriorating in terms of racism," said Annamalai.

"I decided I needed to document this because otherwise, it's just my word. It does not carry credible proof."

He also posted the video to his account on X, formerly known as Twitter, and it amassed over one million views in two days.

Annamalai said that since the beginning of this year, incidents such as these have happened weekly.

"I've lived here since 2018 and just until even the end of 2023, I've never experienced things of this magnitude before," he said.

"My friends, who are people of colour, also seem to regularly go through the same thing in Kitchener-Waterloo."

Annamalai filed a report after being contacted by the Waterloo Regional Police Service (WRPS), which told CBC that additional support was provided to him by the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Unit.

In 2023, Waterloo region had the highest rate of police-reported hate crimes across the country, according to Statistics Canada.

WRPS Chief Mark Crowell told CBC News there were 34 hate crimes reported per 100,000 people locally last year.

According to the new data, issues such as a highly amplified political environment, polarization across social media, and anti-newcomer and anti-immigrant sentiment are impacting social discourse in communities and ultimately community actions, Crowell said.

He confirmed roughly 50 per cent of the reported crimes were directed toward the Black community, with 17 per cent against members of the South Asian community.

"There are always people who become worried that their jobs might be at stake or they think there are too many people of colour in Canada," said Mutta, who attributes the rise in hate to the economic downturn.

"It happened during the '70s, it happened during the 2000s. Any time there is downturn in Canada, some economic upheaval, people become panic stricken."

He added that his clients regularly face situations similar to what Annamalai experienced.

As tension continues to rise between Canada and India, Mutta said, there is serious worry for elevated levels of hate.

Earlier this week, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau accused the Indian government of supporting a campaign of violence against Canadians on Canadian soil.

India's government denied claims Thursday that it was working with mobsters to target Sikh separatists in Canada.


They can't be racists or religious in real life, it is good they have chosen this platform to be racists.


Interesting..perhaps this map can enlighten us more about this wonderful cuntry...

This is farking puking and disgusting..

As mentioned before, this cuntry should be totally banned by WTO and UN from trading with and travelling to any other countries due to their shitty (literally) culture and behaviour which are too deep in their genes. Winston Churchill has always been right that they are farking disgusting savages.

Before they keep accusing others of racism and xenophobia, they should probe deeply within themselves on why they are engaging in all these disgusting activities to force others to avoid them like a plague. Even ghosts would run like hell.










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Racism occurs everywhere. You talk a lot of cock only because you have never lived in the real world. I dish out as much racism as I receive. Go travel widely, get fucked everywhere, then you will know your own race isn’t much appreciated whereever you go. The problem with cheebai ceca ah nehs is they have no self awareness, and no perspective of the world. Like tiongs they think the world revolves around them

syed putra

Interesting..perhaps this map can enlighten us more about this wonderful cuntry...

This is farking puking and disgusting..

As mentioned before, this cuntry should be totally banned by WTO and UN from trading with and travelling to any other countries due to their shitty (literally) culture and behaviour which are too deep in their genes. Winston Churchill has always been right that they are farking disgusting savages.

Before they keep accusing others of racism and xenophobia, they should probe deeply within themselves on why they are engaging in all these disgusting activities to force others to avoid them like a plague. Even ghosts would run like hell.










China is not that much different. The only thing separating these two countries is the moment of reform. China started way back in the 1980's upon the death of Mao, and India is still thinking about how to reform.


What are the main reasons of racism?
I have never been subjected to racism to date here, there, everywhere - probably because I am the best looking guy around.
Why is it that I have never looked down on another person.
In fact when I see a Chinese, Indian, Malay, African, Aboriginal, etc, etc being subjected to racism I try to find out why.

One recent example also given in the forum is of the Yindian student in Waterloo.

The reasons usually are as follows from a website.
These reasons seem to apply to all those here. lol

Explanations for Racism​

As more attention is being given to the racism ingrained in our society, many more people are seeking explanations for it. Is it survival of the fittest, or a psychological defense mechanism to help people identify with a primary group and feel more secure? Below is a list of possible psychological explanations for why racism exists.

1. Personal Insecurity​

It's true that those who lack an identity and struggle with insecurity may seek group membership.

Rusch H. The evolutionary interplay of intergroup conflict and altruism in humans: A review of parochial altruism theory and prospects for its extension. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 2014;281(1794). doi:10.1098/rspb.2014.1539
Consequently, after finding a group, members of the group may start to alienate non-group members. Sometimes, hostility arises toward those people who have been alienated.

While in a clique, people tend to think and behave more like the people they surround themselves with. It becomes much easier to attack others when you're among people who share the same viewpoint.

Racism comes in when groups are formed based on characteristics like race, bolstered by beliefs of superiority, and supported by systems of oppression.

2. Lack of Compassion​

Alienation of others eventually leads to less compassion for those who have been ostracized. People begin to only show compassion and empathy for those they regularly associate with.

Consider, for example, television segments asking viewers to donate to causes that support food security for families in Africa. These messages may be easier for a person to dismiss if they don't identify with the group or culture in need. This dismissal may or may not be overt racism, but it begins with a lack of empathy.

3. Projection of Flaws​

When people feel bad about themselves or recognize their shortcomings, instead of dealing with them and trying to fix them, they may project their self-loathing onto others. Alienated groups can easily become scapegoats for those who ignore their own personal flaws.

4. Poor Mental Health​

Is racism a sign of poor mental health? Not necessarily, but it can be. For example, paranoid personality disorder and narcissism are both mental health disorders that are characterized in part by feelings of insecurity, which may make a person more likely to hold racist beliefs or engage in racist behaviors.

But it's important to recognize that racist beliefs and actions are certainly not limited to people with mental health disorders.

5. Hatred and Fear​

Extreme hatred is almost always based on fear. People may feel threatened by people they view as "different" or "foreign." They may fear losing power. To combat this fear, some people may seek social support from others with similar fears, perpetuating the cycle.
This is what our dear Gin spams. Reply to her.


Interesting..perhaps this map can enlighten us more about this wonderful cuntry...

This is farking puking and disgusting..

As mentioned before, this cuntry should be totally banned by WTO and UN from trading with and travelling to any other countries due to their shitty (literally) culture and behaviour which are too deep in their genes. Winston Churchill has always been right that they are farking disgusting savages.

Before they keep accusing others of racism and xenophobia, they should probe deeply within themselves on why they are engaging in all these disgusting activities to force others to avoid them like a plague. Even ghosts would run like hell.










Blame this rogue asshole for the state the shitland is in now.
Worse than before.

Indian Prime Minister Damodardas feeds on fresh cow dung. It's believed that eating fresh cow dung the first thing in the morning on an empty stomach has a lot of medicinal value.




Racism occurs everywhere. You talk a lot of cock only because you have never lived in the real world. I dish out as much racism as I receive. Go travel widely, get fucked everywhere, then you will know your own race isn’t much appreciated whereever you go. The problem with cheebai ceca ah nehs is they have no self awareness, and no perspective of the world. Like tiongs they think the world revolves around them
Why is it that I have never experienced racism to date.
I have been all over including China.
The funny thing is almost all could not guess where I am from except the Sikhs themselves.

For eg. in Singapore itself one Chinese guy approached me at a bus stop and asked me where I was from.
Told him to guess.
He named many many countries and when I said no no no to all the countries he named, he finally gave up and said to me "Aiyah you must be from outer space lah"