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Serious Why are HR so....

Scrooball (clone)

For an idea of what HR is really like. Just key in "why are HR so....."


kt latha

Gansiokbin said she walked out of orfid in style but my uncle stronglee believes that gansiokbin was being terminated within 24 hours and orlared to leave immediatelee or else security guard will be called to escort her out :biggrin: :roflmao:
Yes, I was the HR manager and also oversee staff discipline in the office as well. The termination letter was prepared by me but she was fired by the boss on the spot with immediate effect, not within 24 hours.
This slur was too arrogant, thought she's a qualified accountant, no one in the company
know much on accounting except her, hence
thinks she's untouchable.
On that day, we're having a meeting with the boss but ended up she shouted and yelled at the boss, so the boss told her to leave the room, go and clear her desk immediately.