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Why AMDK so xia suay and becum aggressive to new influx talents? They dun have Good Hands mah



House Democrats Visit a Migrant Hotel as Political Tensions Erupt​

After New York City’s mayor begged for help from the federal government, Congressional Democrats, including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, came to visit the city’s main migrant shelter.

For months, as New York City staggered under the impact of more than 110,000 asylum seekers from the southern border, Mayor Eric Adams has pleaded for help from the federal government.

On Friday, a show of support arrived: At least 10 Democratic members of Congress, from as far away as Texas and Los Angeles, toured the Roosevelt Hotel in Midtown, where the city is lodging 850 migrant families.

The delegation, led by Representatives Adriano Espaillat and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, praised the city’s efforts, and members were optimistic about a way forward.


Protesters shouted 'close the border' as the 'Squad' member tried to address the press outside the Roosevelt Hotel in Manhattan
A barber cuts the hair of migrants in front of the Roosevelt Hotel in NYC where they are being housed on August 23
Recently arrived migrants gather outside of the Roosevelt Hotel in New York City on August 14, 2023 in New York City


AMDK so short sighted... No US to go, can come Singapore paradise island... All is not lost


The USA must stop accepting such low quality immigrants. These migrant should be send to China.