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Posted on 05 Mar 2010
China student tops A-levels: What chance do S'poreans have?
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While STOMPer Singapore Student congratulates this year's top 'A' Level student, Pan Zixiang, who is from China, he says it might be a cause for worry for Singaporean students.
Said the STOMPer:
"I think Singaporean students should really wake up their ideas, if not, they would be eaten alive by smart China students.
"I believe foreign students from China are 'hungrier' to do well than Singapore students. Perhaps they have survival instincts on their side, while Singaporean students might be too complacent, thinking that their future is secured.
"They really should get out of their comfort zone and work harder."
Pan Zixiang obtained distinctions in 13 academic units for nine subjects, including German and Higher Chinese. He is a Singapore Permanent Resident who is originally from Shanghai but has lived in S'pore since he was nine years old.
Another top student from Raffles Institution, Chen Sihan, a Chinese scholar, scored 12 distinctions for nine subjects.
According to The Straits Times, of the 14,212 students who sat for the 'A' Level examination last year, 87.9 per cent scored at least three H2 passes, with a pass in General Paper or Knowledge and Inquiry -- a 0.2 per cent improvement from last year.
Among the RI students who sat for the 'A' Levels, 598 or 47 per cent scored four H2 distinctions.
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Keywords: China , A-levels ,
China student tops A-levels: What chance do S'poreans have?
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While STOMPer Singapore Student congratulates this year's top 'A' Level student, Pan Zixiang, who is from China, he says it might be a cause for worry for Singaporean students.
Said the STOMPer:
"I think Singaporean students should really wake up their ideas, if not, they would be eaten alive by smart China students.
"I believe foreign students from China are 'hungrier' to do well than Singapore students. Perhaps they have survival instincts on their side, while Singaporean students might be too complacent, thinking that their future is secured.
"They really should get out of their comfort zone and work harder."
Pan Zixiang obtained distinctions in 13 academic units for nine subjects, including German and Higher Chinese. He is a Singapore Permanent Resident who is originally from Shanghai but has lived in S'pore since he was nine years old.
Another top student from Raffles Institution, Chen Sihan, a Chinese scholar, scored 12 distinctions for nine subjects.
According to The Straits Times, of the 14,212 students who sat for the 'A' Level examination last year, 87.9 per cent scored at least three H2 passes, with a pass in General Paper or Knowledge and Inquiry -- a 0.2 per cent improvement from last year.
Among the RI students who sat for the 'A' Levels, 598 or 47 per cent scored four H2 distinctions.
Click on thumbnails for larger image
Keywords: China , A-levels ,