UMNO just dug a fresh grave to signal another downfall in their next GE... Well done lah Najib!!!
DUCK !!!
Inside the “mastermind” of church and temple attacks
By Pak Bui
Imagine you are the UMNO “mastermind” of the attacks on Christian churches and the Sikh temple.
Suppose you want to incite the Malays to rage. Suppose you wish to distract Malay voters from the vast amounts of money stolen from them, and future generations, through the PKFZ and other scams.
Perhaps you can see that Malays have become exposed to a greater breadth and depth of information, thanks to internet news portals, blogs, sms-es and the rise of a true alternative option in Pakatan.
You may have noticed that Pakatan governments in five states, for all their faults, ran smoothly and were far less corrupt than previous UMNO-dominated incarnations.
You note that MCA, Gerakan and MIC have been reduced to puny political midgets, and are absorbed in factional fighting.
You are shaken by loss after loss in by-elections to PKR and PAS. You are worried by cohesion shown by Pakatan Rakyat in coming up with an impressive Common Policy Framework, against tremendous odds.
The internet is drowning out your half-century-long, dreary, predictable, bigoted monologue in the mainstream media.
Your minions in Malaysia’s institutions, which you think are your institutions, have caused endless scandals.
Malaysians have been witnesses to deaths in custody of young, defenceless Malaysians like Teoh Beng Hock, 30, andKugan Ananthan, 22. UMNO servants have indulged their bloodlust in the savage beating of detainees like Adi Anwar Mansor, 23, and have turned Malays and non-Malays alike against the police and the MACC.
Jet engines have been stolen from the Ministry of Defence. This is your favourite ministry, long considered your cash cow, from which immense amounts of money can be carted away in the name of ‘national security’. Even the scraps given to an Abdul Razak Baginda for an arms deal can come up to RM530 million, plus change.
You can see UMNO’s dominance ebbing away. Your opportunity to print, steal, beg and borrow other people’s money is at threat.
What would you do?
You might play up a ban on a religious issue. This would, you hope, split PAS from its partners in Pakatan. It would provide, you surmise, a rallying cry for Malays to support your time-honoured mantra of ‘bangsa, agama dan negara’ – racial, religious and national prejudice.
If your ban is overturned by a High Court decision, ignore the judiciary as usual, and blow up the issue in Utusan and the rest of your mainstream media.
Get some vicious racist blogger to say the issue cannot be resolved by the court. (You run a real risk of losing and being humiliated, if you follow the rule of law and the constitution).
After all, UMNO is in charge, even of the courts.
Encourage misguided and ignorant louts to demonstrate, in contempt of court. Announce that you cannot stop people from protesting.
A well-placed Molotov cocktail, a few stones, or a splash of paint, could spark off a racial and religious conflagration, you hope. Any retaliation might then allow you to impose widespread ISA arrests, and perhaps even emergency rule.
When a rabid protestor, identifying himself as ‘Suhaimi’, screams ‘Bakar gereja!’ (‘burn churches!’) during a public demonstration, ensure the police look the other way.
If an annoying journalist points out that the Islamic Society of North America has stated that Muslims, Christians and Jews all worship the same God, get your goon to say that Isna may have said this “because they are a minority”, as if you can say or do anything you want if you are in the majority.
Get your chief of police to say the government cannot protect churches, and to recommend churches hire private security guards instead.
Watch the fun unfold.
If some stupid copycats get in on the act, throwing bricks at a church in Miri, you should not let it distract you from your main aim, of constructing the illusion of ‘ketuanan Melayu’ or Malay domination.
If the Christians don’t react violently, you can always try to goad other religions: Sikhs, maybe Hindus. Check Wikipedia or Facebook for ideas.
What is things don’t go to plan?
But what if the Malays do not show an enthusiastic response, as you hope for? What if Malays and other races simply ignore your instigation, and go on with their lives as usual? Will you have to contemplate increasing the stakes by staging some attack on a Muslim religious building? Watch this space.
Do not let your disappointment show, because PAS refused to play along with your religious rabble-rousing. Ratchet up the tension some more, and hope for the cracks in PAS to widen.
You can count on like-minded people like Zulkifli Noordin, PKR MP, to drive the wedge in.
Feel free to involve the royalty in Selangor, as you did in Perak. Perhaps your supporters can appeal to the Sultan of Selangor to issue a statement that the use of the word ‘Allah’ is only for Muslims.
Above all, ignore the real issue in question, the use of the word ‘Allah’ in Christian publications. Threaten Anwar Ibrahim for starting interfaith discussions, and forbid religious bodies from discussing the use of the word ‘Allah’ altogether. If interfaith dialogue succeeds, some solution may be found, and all your hard work will be lost.
At the end of the day, you can sleep sound, safe in the knowledge that Malay unity can be restored. Try not to think too much about the risks to the future of a country, built up by so many generations of Malaysians, hard work, and mutual respect in race and religion.
Console yourself that you can still rely on Sabah and Sarawak voters in the next general election. Your Barisan allies in Sabah and Sarawak will keep the natives quiet. You can always buy votes among the poor natives there, you tell yourself.
Or can you?