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Whore declares herself a Virgin


Alfrescian (Inf)
All women are simultaneously a whore, a virgin and a mother.

There is no contradiction.

It's like an egg: the shell, the white and the yolk, combined to form a whole egg.


All women are simultaneously a whore, a virgin and a mother.

There is no contradiction.

It's like an egg: the shell, the white and the yolk, combined to form a whole egg.

Not all are mothers, but many whores think they are virgins when you can fit a hand in their puss.


Don't anyone believe in miracles anymore?
You are another evil filthy Malaysian Indian persecuting me a virgin as a whore. I have read at least three times annulled marriage couple court cases in Chinese newspapers, it’s only a miracle to your evil filthy Malaysian Indian family women. Pui!


You are another evil filthy Malaysian Indian persecuting me a virgin as a whore. I have read at least three times annulled marriage couple court cases in Chinese newspapers, it’s only a miracle to your evil filthy Malaysian Indian family women. Pui!

Here comes the whore who declares herself a virgin with nothing to show except a cheebye mouth.


You are another evil filthy Malaysian Indian persecuting me a virgin as a whore. I have read at least three times annulled marriage couple court cases in Chinese newspapers, it’s only a miracle to your evil filthy Malaysian Indian family women. Pui!

You mean got other fake virgin whores like you?


You can prove yourself by putting your cheebye on the table like this.



Here comes the whore who declares herself a virgin with nothing to show except a cheebye mouth.
You busted cheap whore of Malaysian Indian criminal syndicate Jeremy Quek evil cheap despicable Malaysian son of Cantonese whore telling lies non stop. First of all it’s you need to prove not me. Second I sacrificed my human rights to show by virginity test challenge and you dare not take up. Pui!


You busted cheap whore of Malaysian Indian criminal syndicate Jeremy Quek evil cheap despicable Malaysian son of Cantonese whore telling lies non stop. First of all it’s you need to prove not me. Second I sacrificed my human rights to show by virginity test challenge and you dare not take up. Pui!

A whore gets nothing, you are nothing but a filthy sinkie fuck slut cunt with a cheebye mouth.
