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Who say Sinki Man nobody want? 41y old cheekon mother buy Freedom Pass to merry BBFA, Boss John Kym?



Foreigner bought 'freedom work permit' from syndicate to stay in Singapore with boyfriend, gets jail​

Wang Ting-I wanted to be with her Singaporean boyfriend and eventually married him, but her offences were uncovered by the Manpower Ministry, which cancelled her work permit two days after her marriage.
Foreigner bought 'freedom work permit' from syndicate to stay in Singapore with boyfriend, gets jail

File photo of the State Courts of Singapore (Photo: CNA/Jeremy Long)


SINGAPORE: Wanting to enter Singapore during the COVID-19 pandemic to be with her Singaporean boyfriend, a Taiwanese woman illegally bought a "freedom work pass" from a syndicate that sold such passes to foreigners.

Although she indicated in her application for a work permit that she would be working as a clerk, she instead worked illegally as a night club hostess.


The investigations, which began in 2021, uncovered a prevalence of cases in which foreigners bought such passes to enter and remain in Singapore during the pandemic when they faced travel restrictions.

According to a judgment made available on Tuesday (Jun 25), Wang was sentenced to six weeks' jail for one count of conspiring with her boyfriend to make a false statement in her work pass application.

A second charge of working as a hostess at a nightclub without a valid work permit for over a year was taken into consideration.




According to Wang's lawyer, Mr Ranjit Singh from Francis Khoo & Lim law firm, Wang previously worked in Singapore as a waitress or "entertainment artiste" from 2015 to July 2020.

She met her boyfriend, Derrick Ong Yong Jit, through mutual friends in September 2019, Mr Singh said.

The couple began dating in January 2020 and had a long-distance relationship after Wang had to return to Taiwan in July 2020, when her work permit extension was rejected by MOM.

This was during the COVID-19 "circuit breaker" period, when non-essential activities were not allowed.

According to Mr Singh, the couple explored avenues for Wang to return to Singapore despite the travel restrictions and circuit breaker measures.

A friend introduced them to a company known as Oleegey, which offered "freedom work permits" to foreigners for a monthly fee to maintain the levies for the work passes, said the defence lawyer.

He said the couple was "misguided and clouded by their emotions" and decided to buy the work permit so Wang could return to Singapore.


According to court documents, Ong approached an agent known only as Lin to buy the permit for Wang. He explained to Wang that this was a "freedom work permit", where she did not need to work for the company stated in the work permit.

The intention of purchasing the work permit was so Wang could stay in Singapore and be with Ong while they arranged to get married.

The application was submitted to MOM's Work Pass Division in November 2020, and Wang was later issued a work pass.

Wang and Ong paid the agent S$1,300 monthly to maintain the work pass.

However, Wang never worked as a clerk for Oleegey - a company that supposedly produces pre-cast components - as stated in her work pass.

Instead, she worked as a hostess at a nightclub along Prinsep Street one to two times a week from January 2021 to March 2022.

In total, she earned an estimated average of S$12,000 to S$24,000 through tips from her customers at the nightclub.

Wang married Ong in May 2022 in Singapore, but MOM uncovered her offences and she was arrested, with her work permit cancelled two days after she got married.

A Singaporean

Why the fuck she wants to have anything to do with a coolie gene Sinkie? Now she learned her lesson. Avoid coolie gene Sinkie like a plague.


It is a grey case & objectives met at several levels of Human emotion & needs..

At least MOM did the decent thing - allowed the marriage then cancelled her work pass.

Those on work permits would need permission from MOM to be married. It is up to MOM to investigate such permits if any law had been broken. They did indeed do their job. Work is work but marriage is another societal issue & need.

The lady was remorseful & even assisted the authorities. Her work permit had been cancelled, but she is still married to a Singapore citizen - her choice of life partner. It is now up to Immigration Checkpoints Authority, to look leniently on the couple's case to grant a long term social visit pass to her, so that she may be with her life partner - her married partner. May they have babies & live a happy life together, as marriage is a commitment for life.

The company that hired her may had broken employment laws, but ultimately, a company does still retain the right to hire anyone they wish, so long as levies to the govt are timely paid out. The only wrong that may had been done was to make the lady pay the company instead of the traditional way of employer paying salary to the employee, & sadly, at such exorbitant rates that is far more than govt levies which only proves attempt at profiting from another's misery.

Living life in Singapore is expensive. Often dual income is needed to sustain a measure of life for married couples. But for sure, no Singaporean lady or married to Singaporean man needs to work in the presumably sleazy entertainment line. Honest jobs are readily available in Singapore - full or part - time basis whereby even a dish plates cleaner earns the average salary of Singaporeans - $3000/mth.