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Who is Shan-ge eating carrot cake with?


Of course with this dirty public toilet slut.
This filthy whore has been collecting cock cheese and sperms since Standard Chartered days.

She's the classic Sleep her way up.
If you inspect her dirty hole for foreign DNA, it will take 69 thousand manhours.



Alfrescian (Inf)
Of course with this dirty public toilet slut.
This filthy whore has been collecting cock cheese and sperms since Standard Chartered days.

She's the classic Sleep her way up.
If you inspect her dirty hole for foreign DNA, it will take 69 thousand manhours.

Don't be like that. She had to match her reputation to her name mah....


Of course with this dirty public toilet slut.
This filthy whore has been collecting cock cheese and sperms since Standard Chartered days.

She's the classic Sleep her way up.
If you inspect her dirty hole for foreign DNA, it will take 69 thousand manhours.

as long as it is fit for purpose and can still make a cock cum, its a good poosie regardless of whether its been used many times


Is it with FMH? After carrot, will jiak her puxy

Why Minister Shan as a Minister of Law and Home Affairs did not take legal actions or PORMA the netizens for allegedly spreading such rumours? FMH is also very quiet not defending herself, why?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Why Minister Shan as a Minister of Law and Home Affairs did not take legal actions or PORMA the netizens for allegedly spreading such rumours? FMH is also very quiet not defending herself, why?
because the more defensive they are with lawsuits the more beans will be spilled, and it will also add fuel to the fire. best is to keep mum and let it die a quiet death. that way it remains hearsay without evidence and facts.