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While CCP is instigating its Netizens to spread Rumour on Fukushima Nuclear Water Release, Radiation Disease Spread In Inner Mongolia!


David Zhang (https://www.youtube.com/@ChinaInsiderWithDavidZhang):

Suddenly, people in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Inner Mongolia started getting asthma-like symptoms. The officials claim it's something called "thunderstorm asthma". Most of them have no pre-existing asthma diagnosis. But suddenly experienced dry coughs and swollen faces. A coinciding event took place in Ordos, Inner Mongolia over high uranium concentration coal mines and two dead truck drivers.




Beijing recently stirred up a national publicity campaign against Japan over the release of treated Fukushima nuclear plant water. However, the Chinese are concerned with the risk of being exposed to radiation from the inland. An unexplained sudden increase in asthma has taken northern China by storm. Beijing called it “thunderstorm asthma.” Some sources say it’s a radiation sickness caused by radioactive materials released from a coal mine in Inner Mongolia. The Chinese military is said to have been deployed. The worst nightmare is the radioactive dust has already spread to a good part of China.