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Which is Better? Intelligence+Diligence OR Intelligence+Right Place Right Time?


Alfrescian (Inf- Comp)
Better as in Higher Chance of Success.

Intelligence is Basic Criterion, without which, you are always a Loser.

What do you think? Any examples to share?


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
Better as in Higher Chance of Success.

Intelligence is Basic Criterion, without which, you are always a Loser.

What do you think? Any examples to share?

U don't need intelligence, or diligence. U just need to possess a pussy, spread your legs, and have skills like the ability to suck a golf ball through a straw. .... like this bitch



Better as in Higher Chance of Success.

Intelligence is Basic Criterion, without which, you are always a Loser.

What do you think? Any examples to share?

Low Intelligence = Low IQ = Poor and Backwards
This is a FACT.

Examples : there is no low IQ country in the world that is Advance in Science and Technology.

IQ and Race


Alfrescian (Inf- Comp)
I think the best combo is all 3. Intelligence, Diligence and Right Place Right Time.


Alfrescian (Inf- Comp)
You must be referring to Lt General Ng Yat Chung, has all your 3 Combo.
But such is life isn't it? You maybe the smartest in University, most diligent in your work during employment, but you can also rot in your career, first to be made redundant, without the relevant "accumulative advantage" or what I call right place right time.
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