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Serious Which countries do the most people want to relocate to?


What happened to my beloved Singagore?
I thought it would be within the top 10 if not the top 1

10. Switzerland
Coming in tenth place, Switzerland had 703,500 relocation-related searches on Google. This pristinely clean nation is known for its work-life balance.

9. France©Shutterstock
France enters the list next, with 757,100 people having researched relocation to the country online. For many, the French lifestyle is a major draw.

8. Germany©Shutterstock
We can speculate about the motives of 761,200 people who looked into relocating to Germany: after all, there are many reasons why someone might want to migrate there.

7. Japan
Japan was the highest-ranking country in Asia to feature in the search results. This high-tech nation offers lots of opportunities to immigrants.

6. Portugal©Shutterstock
The Mediterranean climate—boasting an average of 300 sunny days per year—could be one of the main reasons why so many people are drawn to make the move to Portugal.

5. United Kingdom©Shutterstock
It could be that, with a high migrant population, the UK is a relatively straightforward place to assimilate into if you're from another country.

4. Spain
Searches about relocating to Spain also ranked high—there were 1,154,700, to be exact! Perhaps the fantastic climate and relatively affordable cost of living were at the top of people's minds?

3. New Zealand
It's a long way away from... Well, everywhere—but that doesn't seem to put people off! New Zealand received 1,159,700 clicks about relocation.

2. Australia©Shutterstock
Do you dream of a life Down Under? You're not alone! Receiving around 1,360,700 clicks about relocation, Australia comes second in the list of places people most want to relocate to.

1. Canada©Shutterstock
But far and away the winner, the top spot goes to... Canada! With around 1,526,780 clicks, Canada was the most searched country for relocation.

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