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where to start looking for jobs?!


New Member
Hi there,

My partner and I are weighing up our next move, having spent time working in Sydney and the UK. We both have fond memories of time spent in Singapore and always felt it was a place we could see ourselves living and working.
My question is, where to start with jobs? I appreciate there are multiple job boards online but are there any recruitment agencies anyone would particularly recommend contacting in the first instance?
I've got 12+ years in banking and my partner has 7+ years - we're both keen to continue in our current industry and from the research we've done, we understand you need a job offer to be secured with a particular level of earning before you can apply for a visa.
Any help would be greatly appreciated - thanks in advance.


Singapore values connections, so consider attending industry events, joining local business forums, and optimizing your LinkedIn profile. You'd be amazed at how these connections can open doors. Speaking of connections, if you're ever interested in exploring opportunities in India, you might want to check out the Sarkari Job listings webpage. While it primarily focuses on government jobs in India, it can be a valuable resource. Remember that this journey is not just about finding a job; it's about building a life in a new place. So, explore, soak in the culture, and embrace the adventure. Singapore has so much to offer, and I'm sure you'll create some amazing memories there.

Scrooball (clone)

Better pose the question to PAP leaders. If they allow foreigners like you in, I am sure they have ready positions for you guys to steal jobs from.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Just write direct to the bank and ask for the position you want.
Foreign talents according to PAP create jobs for locals, so you will be given the red carpet treatment esp if you are CECA.
Many of us locals will be happily serving you as taxi drivers, cleaners, sweepers and security guards.
Our NSmen will defend you with their lives.
Don't forget to donate some old cardboards to those old aunties
Just make sure you get your citizenship quickly and vote for PAP.
Make sure the next PAP endorsed president get 80% of the votes.
Long live CECA
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Are you Indian? If both of you are Indians, and the company HR is an Indian, then I'm confident for your future.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Hi there,

My partner and I are weighing up our next move, having spent time working in Sydney and the UK. We both have fond memories of time spent in Singapore and always felt it was a place we could see ourselves living and working.
My question is, where to start with jobs? I appreciate there are multiple job boards online but are there any recruitment agencies anyone would particularly recommend contacting in the first instance?
I've got 12+ years in banking and my partner has 7+ years - we're both keen to continue in our current industry and from the research we've done, we understand you need a job offer to be secured with a particular level of earning before you can apply for a visa.
Any help would be greatly appreciated - thanks in advance.
First thing first. You need to apply for Neh citizenship and then get connection with their banking sector CECA CEO in order to enjoy free ride into Sinkieland through India-Sinkieland CECA agreement. Spoiler alert - your qualifications fake or real doesn't matter.
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dear foreign talents of UK and AU, you have come to the wrong place to ask such questions. It is like stepping into a MAGA bar in South Carolina and asking "what do you guys think of <title of libtard topic>" Try LinkedIn