Do you want to meet carnal or spiritual Singaporeans? Do you want to mett SOB Singaporeans or quitter Singaoreans who come here for free education for their kids? Do you want to meet Singaporeans on Doles or tax paying Singaporeans?Hi folks,
Its been close to 2 years now since I've met any sinkies in this country. Was wondering how/where if there is any gathering being organised to meet them? Is it worthwhile attending just to socialise?
hmmm maybe I should re-phrase my question. Where to meet unsinkified Singaporean that has migrated and living in Sydney?
Do you want to meet carnal or spiritual Singaporeans? Do you want to mett SOB Singaporeans or quitter Singaoreans who come here for free education for their kids? Do you want to meet Singaporeans on Doles or tax paying Singaporeans?
You must tell us what type of Singaporean are you? Sinkies in Sydney behave differently when they come here. Some came here just with motives to get PR so they pay bery low overseas university degrees $$ for their kids and fuck off back to Sinkieland once the kids completed their studies. If you are one of them I decribed then you fit in many of the Sinkies here.
Many sinkies neber settle in Aus but only want to rip off Aus PR system for selfish gain.
Believe me, it is better not to meet any Sinkies as they are scumbag people who come here for selfish motives. Don't you have enough of mixing Sinkies all your life in Sinkieland?
Hmmm ... have you tried the churches?
Well, at least there are "Singaporean" churches in Perth.
1 Singaporean tourist (grandma) killed, father, mother and 7yo son badly injured in ONE-CAR accident in the South-West WA.
This is not the first time. 3 years ago, Singaporean couple killed when they missed a bend on Toodyay Road.
I want to meet Singaporean that has settled down here and enjoyed their lives here. I don't want to meet the ones you described, yes, I've had enough of sinkies in Sinkieland. I want to learn how they made it here, be successful in this country. Its refreshing that I'm not surrounded by Sinkies for close to 2 years now. After coming to this forum I realised there are sinkies that shed the sinkies mentality and became successful here. I want to meet people like that. I don't have selfish motives, in fact I'm preparing to get citizenship next year. Are there any former Singaporean like this?
I think you are homesick, better take leaves and go back smell Singapore longkangs to refresh yourself.
No, haven't tried the churches yet, that would be the plan. Met this auntie that says she would introduce me to girls in her church. I'm very wary of Christians that does that, been to too much church "invites" and don't really like it when they start to preach. What if they ask you to "convert" before they will date you ah ?
Many girls also go Church to hook boys, you think they serious about Jesus? So so lah lum pah pah lan. Go church and hook one non Christian girl and F O. Try SBP Presbyterian in Gladsville, plenty of young chio bu and got many Malaysian and Sarawak young chio bu somemore!
I'm one of the ex-sinkie living and working in Sydney now. I've come across a few Sporeans but mostly in my workplace (one of them moved back to Melbourne recently). I also met 1 or 2 outside my workplace who have moved here for a number of years but still speak like the typical sporeans (they never changed - do they?).Sporeans are scattered all around but i suspect Sydney is not really their cup of tea as they prefer to have a more laidback / different lifestyle in Perth or Melbourne - there should be plenty of them over these 2 cities.
Interesting, I thought Sydney would be at least be more "Singapore" like then the other cities, hence more would settle here. Ah well, I still have the sinkie slang once in a while. Its hard to change your accent once you reach a certain age I suppose. I guess its hard to find Singaporean over here then, which might not be a bad thing in a way.
Church it shall be for now.
The point is if why live the Sporean lifestyle if u can live in Spore? I didn't like Sydney that much (ok apart from the opera house, harbour & endless beaches & better climate) when I visited here many years back. The infrastructure & road sucks and the city council can't cope with the high density of population here. For job sake thats why I'm settle here. I would prefer to be in Melbourne. Cost of living in Sydney is also the highest in Australia.
To meet Sporean, you can join the Temasek club (there's a website, you may search), been to their gathering once, regret and never want to be be near them again. Once in a while its good to meet a Sporean and talk Singlish but thats about all. I don't miss them that much. There's nicer people around on Earth living here and those are definitely not the Sinkies. U should be able to spot a few in the major chinatown suburbs eg. Chatswood, Hursville, Eastwood as they love Asian good and cheap groceries.
Yah, Sydney has very bad infrastructure planning. But like you said my job is here. Its all not too bad, went out to palm beach last weekend. Plenty of beaches along the way. Chatswood, too pricey, PRCs, Korean, Japanese. Hurtsville, mini Cantonese town, HKies, PRCs a lot. Eastwood about the same as Hurtsville. Ashfield, mini Shanghai, a lot of Shanghainese restaurant there. Straithsfield, mini Korea town. When I was in Straithsfield I got asked a few time in Korean for directions. I have to reply back in Korean I don't know korean, "Hangul oh, molah yo". Maybe I've reached the point where I can't spot Sinkies anymore. Wahahahahahah
I want to meet Singaporean that has settled down here and enjoyed their lives here. I don't want to meet the ones you described, yes, I've had enough of sinkies in Sinkieland. I want to learn how they made it here, be successful in this country. Its refreshing that I'm not surrounded by Sinkies for close to 2 years now. After coming to this forum I realised there are sinkies that shed the sinkies mentality and became successful here. I want to meet people like that. I don't have selfish motives, in fact I'm preparing to get citizenship next year. Are there any former Singaporean like this?
I have met many sinkies. Initially, most wld like to keep their CPF in SG bcoz they claimed one day they might return & they said it is good to keep the citizenship..
Hmmm.. I have diff opinion.. I asked myself some questions :
(a) Can I achieve at a return of > 2.5%.. can I make it grow (like crazy),
(b) "if" I ever return to SG, can I return the CPF & reinstate my status ?
They are not aware of the opportunity losses.. they are risk-adversed blokes who seek for a predictable lifestyle... and they are not wrong. Neither am I
I renounced my status promptly when I was qualified as an Aussie.
Hi folks,
Its been close to 2 years now since I've met any sinkies in this country. Was wondering how/where if there is any gathering being organised to meet them? Is it worthwhile attending just to socialise?
Wrong forum! To meet real Singaporeans in Sydney, goto this forum:
Your other option is to contact axe168, he's a everyday Singaporean you want to chiak kopi with. Who know's he let you take some chicken (that's poultry, mind you) home.
Oh, thanks for the link. How I know got this type of forum? That is why I ask mah.
Axe168 when you free? We go la kopi someday ah ?
Don't stare at the ceiling fan for too long, it will make you go mad ..... heheheMy wifey and son will be heading to SG in Jan.. I'm a freeman for one mth ! If ya in Melbourne, give me a shout. Lim kopi no problem
At the meantime, I have heaps of renov to be done at home Busy sia.. this christmas is a painful one :(
My wifey and son will be heading to SG in Jan.. I'm a freeman for one mth ! If ya in Melbourne, give me a shout. Lim kopi no problem
At the meantime, I have heaps of renov to be done at home Busy sia.. this christmas is a painful one :(
free man means can go out kao lui or not ah ?