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Where is our team?


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Sinkees are supposed to be smarter than Mudlanders, yet Mudlanders are excelling in so many areas. Here's another achievement. Where's THE Sinkapore team?


Singaporeans have no time for these sorts of idle pursuits. They have far more important things to do in life.

Take Tony Tan's son as an example he concentrated on life saving research to prevent sudden deaths caused by soil borne infections. Had he become a gamer instead of saving lives there would be parents out there mourning the death of their beloved sons.

You can read all about his research here https://www.facebook.com/notes/dr-tony-tan/statement-by-patrick-tan-29-july-2011/242709609083900


Sinkees are supposed to be smarter than Mudlanders, yet Mudlanders are excelling in so many areas. Here's another achievement. Where's THE Sinkapore team?

Why are u praising mudland? Wat use is winning medals at some shit games when the country n economy is falling apart? Does countries which win sports medals improve their countries economy and development as a whole?
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Sinkees are supposed to be smarter than Mudlanders, yet Mudlanders are excelling in so many areas. Here's another achievement. Where's THE Sinkapore team?

The loser is at it again. Cant make it in Singapore so have to leave the country in order to survive and then taking pot shots and the Government and make fun of the people who stay. So many of such losers here in this forum like you.


Singaporeans have no time for these sorts of idle pursuits. They have far more important things to do in life.

Take Tony Tan's son as an example he concentrated on life saving research to prevent sudden deaths caused by soil borne infections. Had he become a gamer instead of saving lives there would be parents out there mourning the death of their beloved sons.

You can read all about his research here https://www.facebook.com/notes/dr-tony-tan/statement-by-patrick-tan-29-july-2011/242709609083900
B's lag, that mental retard bugger concentrate on washing testtubes as demand by Philip yep because his works n qualifications r mediocre n only suited to do mediocre task. If he was good there would not b a need to defer and for 2 decades.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Singaporeans have no time for these sorts of idle pursuits. They have far more important things to do in life ...
ya, man! ...

ze elite few wud rather spend time 2 tink of ways 2 squeeze ze lastest drop from peasants 2 upgrade their obscene salary ... ze remaining b-z tinking of ways 2 b frugal in order 2 pay tributes 2 ze elite few ...


70% of sinkies had been brainwashed by LKY to think that they are somehow superior to Mudlanders.
LKY himself was booted out of the federation due to his political incompetence.


70% of sinkies had been brainwashed by LKY to think that they are somehow superior to Mudlanders.
LKY himself was booted out of the federation due to his political incompetence.
They wanted to arrest him. Playing race card nonsense. Btw none opposed throwing sinkieland out. 100 plus vote to zero


Alfrescian (Inf)
Sporeans used to be smart. But when the son took over the nation with all the jiakleowbee newbies in white, the 70% now known as sinkies!


I can tell you our local low ses boy is a world renown streetfighter top ranker. But stuff like online gaming we can never win. Because being office slave more important


I can tell you our local low ses boy is a world renown streetfighter top ranker. But stuff like online gaming we can never win. Because being office slave more

Scrooball (clone)

Imagine if u were the world tamagotchi champion many years ago. Now u are prob distributing leaflets or selling insurance in MRT stations!