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Whenever u see chio bu do u feel like u want to torture her


Hey evil coward Malaysian pretending to be sinkie dog liar son of whore following me. Go to my twitter and post your filthy comment. Btw that’s how your whore mother open leg and you bastard are born


Hey evil coward Malaysian pretending to be sinkie dog liar son of whore following me. Go to my twitter and post your filthy comment. Btw that’s how your whore mother open leg and you bastard are born

U are not chio bu and we are not talking about u! Face yourselves in the mirror and that is a pig!


Use horse whip to whip her. Cane her

Slap and kick her. Punch her stomach. Make her drink your urine
Hey Evil Coward Malaysian dog liar of whore you dare not go to my twitter and post your filthy comments because you know this is not your real name and you are a mudland Indian criminal bully pretending to be sinkie chinese.


Hey Evil Coward Malaysian dog liar of whore you dare not go to my twitter and post your filthy comments because you know this is not your real name and you are a mudland Indian criminal bully pretending to be sinkie chinese.
Such beasts that contribute nothing good to humanity except evil filth and shit should be exterminated by virus indeed


Hey Evil Coward Malaysian dog liar of whore you dare not go to my twitter and post your filthy comments because you know this is not your real name and you are a mudland Indian criminal bully pretending to be sinkie chinese.
Such beasts that contribute nothing good to humanity except evil filth and shit should be exterminated by virus indeed


Alfrescian (Inf)
You must have read too much 50 shades of grey. Have you tried candlewax and anal beads on your chiobu? Lol